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- Apple posts 3 more Get a Mac ads: Choose a Vista, Genius, and Party is over
Apple just keeps pumping out the Get a Mac ads, don't they? Three new ads have surfaced, and I think they are the best of the lot. The above shot is from 'Choose a Vista' in which PC spins a wheel to figure out which version of Vista he should buy while Mac points out that OS X only comes in one version, that includes everything you need. The second ad, called Genius, highlights the fact that you can get free tech support from a Mac Genius at every Apple Store. Finally, Party is Over pokes fun at the Vista delays and the rather lukewarm reception that Redmond's OS garnered.
All in all, not too shabby.
Thanks, Patrick.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - They Might Be Giants 'The Else' to be iTunes exclusive
I am a big They Might Be Giants fan, and I make no qualms about it. They are, without a doubt, my favorite band therefore I will take any opportunity to write about them. Luckily for you, dear TUAW reader, this bit of news is relevant to our favorite computer/electronics/media company.
They Might Be Giants (TMBG to their friends) are releasing their newest album, 'The Else,' 2 months before the CD hits stores exclusively on iTunes. Not only is this a boon to TMBG fans, but Apple is sure to make a little money off of this (though, to be fair, TMBG aren't as popular as they once were).
The CD will contain a bonus disc that won't be available on iTunes, so all the hardcore fans will still have to pick up the CD if they want the complete set (I'll be buying both, sadly).
This is a slightly odd announcement because TMBG actually run their own digital download service that offers their music in high quality, and sans DRM. One can only assume that when the CD is available on July 10th, DRM free tracks will also be available via TMBG's own website.
[via Macenstein]
Update: With all the excitement I neglected to mention that the album will be available on May 15th.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mac 101: Enabling Built-in Spell Check
Filed under: Mac 101
Mac OS X offers a system-wide built-in spell checker. Many OS X applications including Mail, Pages, TextEdit, Safari and iChat AV (among others) allow you to take advantage of this feature to find and correct spelling mistakes. To enable spell checking in an application, control-click (or right-click on a two-button mouse) a text field or text entry area. Choose Spelling from the contextual pop-up menu and then make sure that Check Spelling as You Type is checked. If it is not checked, just select it to check it. Selecting it again disables the feature.
More after the jump...
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Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Business Week: Apple "Most innovative"
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Apple Corporate, Apple Financial
For the third consecutive year, Business Week has named Apple the "Most Innovative Company" (they beat 2nd place Google with double the votes). Data was collected late last year from the top 10 executives at the world's 1,500 largest corporations.* While acknowledging the accomplishment, Business Week wonders how long their reign will last:
"Now that [Apple is] invading the living room and the cell-phone market, will it continue the winning streak?"
If the iPhone is a real out-of-the-park home run (a lot seems to be riding on that little device, no?), then 2008 could be Apple's fourth straight year on the top of that list.
*Determined by market capitalization in U.S. dollars.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Blast from the Past: What the new iPods ain't got
Filed under: iPod Family, Retro Mac, Blast From the Past
Newer isn't always better. Ask any wine connoisseur or violin player. I recently googled across this article over at the Apple Blog on why new iPods aren't quite as good as old iPods. Sure there are a lot of great reasons to buy new. It was iPod video support that finally convinced me to buy. Eddie Hargreaves writes that early iPods had a lot going for them too, with features recently phased out such as A/C power adapters included in the box, FireWire support, and carrying cases, among others.
I personally prefer having my modern batteries and video capability (currently about 80% of my iPod's tiny 30GB hard drive is used for video) and I long ago picked up a cheap A/C-USB power adapter. Still, an included wired remote would have been nice and I wouldn't have minded playing around with the original extra feedback click settings.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Appleology: Six things Apple needs to fix
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Apple Corporate
Appleology has come up with a list of "Six things Apple needs to fix by 2008." Specifically, they're requesting some obvious upgrades to the Apple TV (cheaper, more storage space, etc.) and updates for iLife and iWork (we're pretty sure this will happen when Leopard is released in October).
They also call for Apple to either upgrade .Mac significantly or ditch it all together (we've heard this request a million times by now), and an iPod that's basically an iPhone that doesn't do phone calls. It's probably safe to assume that future iPods will have a UI similar to the iPhone, but not in 2008. They want to sell iPhones, after all!
Finally, Appleology requests UI improvements to OS X (which we've seen) and low-cost Macs. I think Macs will always be more expensive than most of their competitors, so that's something we have to get used to.
Is there anything you'd like to see Apple do with the latter half of 2008? Call me easy to please, but I'd be happy with Leopard and an iPhone.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Wear your iPod with iWear
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
The iWear allows you to attach your iPod nano to your clothes. Instead of shoving the iPod away into a holster or arm-band, you transform it into a worn work of art. Assuming, that is, high-creepiness values for "work of art". I mean is it me or does this guy look like he's been taken over by his iPod and that it's the iPod, not the guy, in charge?
You can almost hear him saying "I am an iPod minion" in a strange robotic voice as he staggers forward to take over the world and attack the forces of Vista.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - 10 things that Sort of Mildly Displease PC World about Apple (and why PC World thinks Apple is Doing Well)
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Bad Apple, Apple
In the beginning there was 'hate', or more specifically "10 Things We Hate About Apple". And PC World's Harry Mccracken resigned from his position when former Macworld CEO Colin Crawford supposedly put the kibosh on the article. Questions raged throughout the blogosphere as to whether Apple was exercising undue editorial pressure as an advertiser--questions, which as far as I can tell, did not raise a definitive answer one way or another.
Today PC World lays everything out on the table--well almost everything; they never mention whether Apple played a role or not and don't discuss the resignation directly--posting about the controversy which involved short pieces written by staffers Alan Stafford and Narasu Rebbapragada. The articles, they write, were meant to be light-hearted conversation starters, not "weighty journalism".
You can read both articles today at PC World's online site, both the ten things they hate about Apple and the ten things they love. The "hate" list includes many on-target items including that Apple is "more secretive than Homeland Security" (hah!), that they blame others for the worm that shipped with iPods last year, and that the Mac is crap at gaming. The less focused "love" list includes "sublime designs", Jobs calling for the end of DRM, and that Macs run Windows.
In the end, now that we've gotten a chance to check both lists out, it seems like a whole lot of fuss was made over not very much. And if I had to spike one of the two lists? I'd kill the "love" list first.
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Thanks, Chris Tutor.Комментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |