Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Cult of Mac (6 сообщений)

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Read Leander Kahney's latest commentary about Apple and Mac News in's Cult of Mac Blog, including Mac, Mac Pro, MacBook, iMac, iBook, Mac mini, iPod video, iPod nano, iPod shuffle, iTunes, iPhoto, iPhone, Apple TV, OSX, Steve Jobs, and Macworld.
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  • SlingBox Now Rocking a Mac Near You
    Though DVRs are still far from mainstream technology, some folks are already moving from the time-shifting of a DVR to the place-shifting offered by Sling Media, which uses a hardware/software combo to take incoming TV streams and make them available...


    Though DVRs are still far from mainstream technology, some folks are already moving from the time-shifting of a DVR to the place-shifting offered by Sling Media, which uses a hardware/software combo to take incoming TV streams and make them available at any time at any place over the Internet. But until yesterday, the software didn't run on Mac. No more. the new Sling Player for Mac OS X is compatible with a wide variety of sources and viewing hardware:

    With this software release, Slingbox owners can now view their television directly on their Macintosh computer screen. With full remote control, they can watch content from their home entertainment system whether from cable, DVR, DVD and even a full range of Apple entertainment products including: Apple TV®, Front Row, iPod® in Apple's Universal Dock® or iPod in an iPod Hi-Fi™.

    They did a great job meeting Apple's own interface standards, judging from the screenshot. Anyone already got it up and running? How's it going?

    Sling Media - Sling Media's Popular SlingPlayer Now Ready For A Mac Near You

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    Pete Mortensen

  • The Face of Steve Appears in a Latte
    \ The Virgin Mary has nothing on the patron saint of our cult! Photo by Luke Edgar Seeley, who notes: I ordered a medium latte at a local cafe and was surprised to find that the barista had, with his...


    The Virgin Mary has nothing on the patron saint of our cult! Photo by Luke Edgar Seeley, who notes:

    I ordered a medium latte at a local cafe and was surprised to find that the barista had, with his mastery of steamed milk, poured a face and the words "I Love Steve Jobs" into my latte.

    I don't know if I believe it, but I want to believe. Who could ask for more?

    A Steve Jobs Latte on Flickr - Photo Sharing

    Via Digg.

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    Pete Mortensen

  • Pay Tribute to the HD-DVD Crack with a Screensaver
    As you might have heard, all hell broke loose today as the code to crack HD-DVD encryption spread all over the Intarwebs, to the chagrin of Digg Founder Kevin Rose. It's a pretty big day, no matter how you feel...


    As you might have heard, all hell broke loose today as the code to crack HD-DVD encryption spread all over the Intarwebs, to the chagrin of Digg Founder Kevin Rose. It's a pretty big day, no matter how you feel about DRM. I'm not going to link directly to the code, because I'm not about that, but a playful OS X developer has created a screensaver that takes the 16 numbers in the code and randomly moves them around, so the actual order isn't certain. To be clear, the configuration in the image above is not the correct order. Keep it clean, kids, but remember the events of the day in style.

    [Via Digg]

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    Pete Mortensen

  • John Gruber Engulfs Steve Ballmer at Daring Fireball
    Some of the best Apple theorists just don't write enough. That's certainly true of Daring Fireball creator John Gruber, who makes an impact every time he posts a major essay, but doesn't post all that many essays. In his newest...

    Some of the best Apple theorists just don't write enough. That's certainly true of Daring Fireball creator John Gruber, who makes an impact every time he posts a major essay, but doesn't post all that many essays. In his newest missive, he deconstructs Steve Ballmer's arguments against the iPhone. It's a laudable effort. Check it.

    Some of these pundits and analysts are morons. Ballmer, however, is a very smart man, but what he's saying about the iPhone is going to make him look stupid if it's successful. He clearly doesn't get what makes the iPhone so appealing, and his dual obsession with the price and business users is baffling.

    Daring Fireball: The iPhone's Funny Price

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    Pete Mortensen

  • Stop the Presses! Steve Jobs to Give Apple Keynote
    Apple loves to make big announcements on Tuesday mornings. Today, they reminded us that not all big announcements are created equal. Apple PR informed the world that -- brace for it -- none other than Apple CEO Steve Jobs will...


    Apple loves to make big announcements on Tuesday mornings. Today, they reminded us that not all big announcements are created equal. Apple PR informed the world that -- brace for it -- none other than Apple CEO Steve Jobs will kick off the company's Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday, June 11.

    Don't all of you wet your pants with excitement at once.

    Apple did confirm that Jobs would show off a feature-complete version of Mac OS X Leopard, including whatever mystery functions got left out of the 2006 showcase, and the company will will distribute a beta to all in attendance. And that's something to get worked up over.

    Steve Jobs to Kick Off WWDC 2007

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    Pete Mortensen

  • Fake Steve Wants To Destroy His House
    I don't know where we in the Mac game would be without Fake Steve Jobs, the anonymous blogger who pretends to be Apple's CEO so we don't have to. Today, he tackles the continued resistance to the iCEO's attempts to...

    Code4 Layer-9

    I don't know where we in the Mac game would be without Fake Steve Jobs, the anonymous blogger who pretends to be Apple's CEO so we don't have to. Today, he tackles the continued resistance to the iCEO's attempts to demolish his historic mansion, the Jackling house. And if you think Fake Steve is cowed by the California Supreme Court's rejection of his request, you don't know Steve:

    These nuts got a court to say that I can't destroy my own house and instead have to find a way to move the house from the location. But they can't come up with any money to move the house. Or a place to put it. Or something.


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