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- Leopard to Feature 3-D Dashboard Implementation?
We're down to just a month until Apple takes the wraps off what few unannounced features remain for Mac OS X Leopard. So let's all sit back and revel in rumors of what Apple might do next, courtesy of AppleInsider:...We're down to just a month until Apple takes the wraps off what few unannounced features remain for Mac OS X Leopard. So let's all sit back and revel in rumors of what Apple might do next, courtesy of AppleInsider:
According to the filing, different Dashboards could contain one or more of the same widgets and "state" information for a widget could be maintained separately for each Dashboard in which the widget appears, or it can be commonly maintained across all Dashboards in which the widget appears.
"Different Dashboards can be available or 'owned' for different users of a computer or other electronic device, such that each user can only access their own Dashboard(s)," Apple said in the filing. "A user can specify a Dashboard as being available to other users, if desired. A user can also specify, for any or all of the Dashboards he or she creates, whether other users are permitted to make changes to the Dashboard(s)."Uh...sounds good!
Apple filing depicts interactive Dashboard cube interface [AppleInsider]
Technorati Tags: leopard, mac os x, dashboard
Pete Mortensen - Get a Mac on 'South Park'
Yep, we just jumped the shark. Time to move on, Apple. YouTube - South Park Mac vs. PC Via Digg. Technorati Tags: get a mac, South Park...
Yep, we just jumped the shark. Time to move on, Apple.YouTube - South Park Mac vs. PC
Via Digg.
Technorati Tags: get a mac, South Park
Pete Mortensen - Crazy Rumor: Apple Seeds OS 9.3 to Developers
Sometimes, the alternate-universe humor mocking Apple is only 3 percent more insane than actual Apple news. The hilarious Crazy Apple Rumors Site just announced the launch of Mac OS 9.3: According to sources at Apple, the company is entirely at...Sometimes, the alternate-universe humor mocking Apple is only 3 percent more insane than actual Apple news. The hilarious Crazy Apple Rumors Site just announced the launch of Mac OS 9.3:
According to sources at Apple, the company is entirely at a loss to explain where this seed came from.
"I didn't do it," said senior vice president of software engineering Bertrand Serlet. "I can't even get Leopard done in time. I'm swamped. Stupid iPhone and Apple TV. Nobody asked me whether or not we should make those. I mean, I haven't gone to the bathroom in three weeks. OS 9? Je pense que non."Sign me up!
Image via
Via Digg.
Crazy Apple Rumors Site » Blog Archive » Apple Seeds OS 9.3
Pete Mortensen - Greenpeace Thrilled By Apple's Green Announcement
Wondering whether Apple's public pledges of environmental responsibility would appease the company's Green critics? Wonder no more. Greenpeace just publicly lauded the company's suddenly forward-thinking stance on its own impact on the environment: It's not everything we asked for. Apple...Wondering whether Apple's public pledges of environmental responsibility would appease the company's Green critics? Wonder no more. Greenpeace just publicly lauded the company's suddenly forward-thinking stance on its own impact on the environment:
It's not everything we asked for. Apple has declared a phase out of the worst chemicals in its product range, Brominated Fire Retardants (BFRs) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) by 2008. That beats Dell and other computer manufactures' pledge to phase them out by 2009. Way to go Steve!
But there's always more to be done, of course:
But while customers in the US will be able to return their Apple products for recycling knowing that their gear won't end up in the e-waste mountains of Asia and India, Apple isn't making that promise to anyone but customers in the USA. Elsewhere in the world, an Apple product today can still be tomorrow's e-waste. Other manufacturers offer worldwide takeback and recycling. Apple should too!
Either way, a big change. One other note: In all the excitement yesterday, I somehow missed that Steve's environment made a public commitment to start using LED displays this year, all but confirming a long-standing rumor that upcoming laptops would soon transition away from LCD technology. All of which makes me extra-happy that I have held off on buying a new computer, eh?
Eh? Enh.
Tasty news from Apple! | Greenpeace InternationalTechnorati Tags: apple, green, Greenpeace
Pete Mortensen - PC World Editor Quits Over Anti-Apple Story
PC World Editor-in-Chief Harry McCracken quit suddenly on Wednesday. According to our colleagues at the magazine, the sudden departure resulted from pressure to kill a story called "10 Things We Hate About Apple" that allegedly displeased CEO Colin Crawford. It's...PC World Editor-in-Chief Harry McCracken quit suddenly on Wednesday. According to our colleagues at the magazine, the sudden departure resulted from pressure to kill a story called "10 Things We Hate About Apple" that allegedly displeased CEO Colin Crawford. It's pretty sordid.
The piece, a whimsical article titled "Ten Things We Hate About Apple," was still in draft form when Crawford killed it. McCracken said no way and walked after Crawford refused to compromise. Apparently Crawford also told editors that product reviews in the magazine were too critical of vendors, especially ones who advertise in the magazine, and that they had to start being nicer to advertisers.
Yikes. Good for you, Harry.
Technorati Tags: PC World, ethics
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