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- iPhone Tip: Don't even bother with the .com button
Filed under: Software, Tips and tricks, TUAW Tips, iPhone
While typing on the iPhone is an arguably difficult / easy process depending on who you are, I figured out a handy tip for saving at least one button press - as long as you're going to a .com site. Just like a real browser, it appears that the iPhone will allow you to type in most .com URLs without having to type the actual .com or pressing the button. Simply press Go after typing the site name and MobileSafari should automatically insert the .com for you. It's worked in every site I've tried so far at least. A mere savings of one button press to be sure, but in my opinion, shaving off even one repeated key press can amount to a lot of saved time after a while.Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - Graphic Converter 6 released
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools
Graphic Converter from Lemkesoft is an arguably under-appreciated photo editor and basic organizer for Mac OS X. Provided free on some (maybe all?) Macs that Apple ships, it is a quietly powerful app for performing a good number of photo editing and basic retouching, and it even includes a basic photo organizer a lá iPhoto, Lightroom or Aperture. For even more features, Lemkesoft just released a new v6 of Graphic Converter, bringing a long list of new and updated features, including:
- a save for web option
- basic layer support
- 'go to photo position' in Google Earth
- rulers for measuring various aspects of images
- support for Microsoft's new free-to-use HD Photo image format that rivals JPG
- compatibility with the Leopard beta
- and a ton more
Комментарии к сообщению: - How I got DemoApp to Work on the iPhone
DemoApp is that mystery application that coexists in the iPhone's Applications folder along with all the standard apps like Google Maps, Calculator, Stocks, and so forth. We've known for a while that it had something to do with movies but until today, we weren't sure what it did. Today, I can confirm that it does what most people have suspected: it plays a single movie over and over in a repeat loop. It does not, as others hoped, allow you to play video out through your dock. Here's the down and dirty on DemoApp.
Where is DemoApp located? It's found in /Applications. You will not be able to see this application without hacking your iPhone.
How do I make my iPhone automatically play a movie? Place an h.264-encoded movie named into /private/var/root. Reboot your iPhone. (Power down and then re-power on.) The iPhone automatically opens your movie and begins playing it on a loop.
How do I make it stop? Remove the movie from /private/var/root and reboot.
While playing, will it export video out my dock? No. Just audio.
Why does it play in portrait mode? Presumably so it can remain docked and powered.
Does it have to be encoded in h.264? That's the only encoding I've tried.
Does it have to be named Yes.
How did you figure this out? Testing and playing with the Unix strings command and, frankly, quite by accident.
How do I make DemoApp appear with my other Widgets? You can do this but it's really kind of pointless. You must edit /System/Library/CoreServices/ Copy the file to your Mac, make a copy, and use Property List editor to move the dict pair from special into iconList. Return the edited version to the iPhone and reboot. To hide the widget, just restore the original DisplayOrder.plist.
Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Hey Dvorak, welcome to 1984
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Odds and ends
Maybe I shouldn't even link to this latest John C. Dvorak column, since in the past he's essentially admitted to antagonizing Mac users just to get traffic, but it's not every day that Dvorak basically admits that the Mac is superior. He goes out of his way to tell us he's not switching for his "personal use" but having used an iMac for the past couple of months on some other job, he's now allowing that "the machine is not half bad." He actually tries to downplay the gap between Macs and PCs - "the differences between the Mac and the PC that really matter are minor" - but he does concede that he senses "the OS is more solid than Microsoft Windows." He concludes with the obvious: Macs are more elegant and more useable. Well, Dvorak, welcome to 1984, better late than never.
[via Digg]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Surfin' Safari publishes WebKit Project Goals
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools, Blogs
Surfin' Safari is the official blog of the team that works on WebKit, the open source rendering engine that powers Safari and just about any other app on Mac OS X that allows you to view web pages, such as NetNewsWire, iSale, RapidWeaver and many, many more. Heck, these days WebKit is going far beyond Mac OS X, as it's used by everything from MobileSafari in the iPhone to Safari on Windows and even some of Nokia's phones and other devices that can browse the web.
Комментарии к сообщению: - Found Footage: Disassemble your iPhone for fun and profit
Filed under: Found Footage, iPhone
Maybe it's just because I'm a big geek, but there's something absolutely fascinating about watching the complicated process of disassembling an iPhone. produced the above video to go with a forthcoming DIY screen repair kit for the iPhone. Nonetheless, it's just cool to see what it takes to get one apart, admiring Apple's engineering chops along the way. For those of you worried about the battery, it's also interesting to see what replacing it will take. According to the video it's soldered to the motherboard, so putting in a new one will be quite a bit tougher than on the iPod. Obviously opening your iPhone will void your warranty, so I'd say this is probably more one to watch than to do!
[via Infinite Loop]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone Purity Test
What is your iPhone coolness factor? Do you waltz through malls wearing white earbuds with your Gucci? Or are there nefarious nerd-like factors at play in your iPhone usage? The following test will help you evaluate exactly how pure--or not--your use of the iPhone is, in the ideal realms that is the Ive/Woz continuum.
How do you score? Let us know in the comments.
Continue reading iPhone Purity Test
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - 18K gold iPod
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
Here's something completely silly: An 18K gold iPod nano. For a fee (oddly, I couldn't find pricing information. Hmmm), EXEOO will remove your iPod nano's casing and replace it with one made of 18K gold.
But wait, there's more! They'll do the same with your 5th generation iPod (back side only), universal dock, earbuds and iPod remote. Why? Because who doesn't want to place their golden iPod in a golden dock while listening to golden headphones?
If you've got more money that you can handle, buy a golden iPod. Because, you know, muggers only like the original models.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Possible evidence that Leopard could bring true iPhone apps
Filed under: OS, Software, Leopard, Developer, iPhone
Our little blue and green TUAW tipster birdie is chirpin' again, and this time the news could make both developers and consumers happy if everything pans out. From what we hear, evidence has been found that references to the ARM architecture appear in several of Leopard's standard include files, such as those found in the /usr/include/machine directory. Since ARM is the type of processor found in the iPhone but not in any Macs (for the most part, virtually any Mac still in service is likely running on PowerPC or the newer Intel processors), this is leading some to believe that these references are a sign that Leopard could usher in an update to Apple's Xcode development app, allowing Mac OS X developers access to the current holy grail of making true apps for the iPhone - apps that would be able to take advantage of things like synching data, storing files, RSS feeds and a whole lot more. Imagine being able to truly travel with, edit and create new Yojimbo notes (instead of simply view them with Webjimbo), bring your NetNewsWire feeds or do basic blogging with a mini-MarsEdit or ecto, and you have only seen the tip of the iceberg that is the iPhone's 3rd party app potential.
[Update: Adrian, Webjimbo's developer, set me straight in the comments that Webjimbo can in fact create and edit Yojimbo notes, bookmarks, archives and serials. This leads me to agree with Derik DeLong at MacUser: Webjimbo is indeed one of, if not the, coolest implementations of web 2.0 technology that integrates with a desktop app.]
Of course, for now this is merely speculation, but it's still speculation based on evidence whose existence is a bit puzzling. Fortunately, October is getting closer by the day, so we should have a clearer idea as to when a true iPhone SDK is coming. I simply hope that it's still a closely guarded question of when in Apple's eyes, instead of 'if.'Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |