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- Ask TUAW: USB for iPhone, clean installs, MP3 tagging and more
Filed under: Ask TUAW
This week on Ask TUAW: We're a (holi)day late and a blogger short, so I'm filling in this week while Mat's on vacation; next week Chris Ullrich takes the hot seat. We welcome all your questions, even though we can't respond to all of them directly... but the good news is that the submission process offers an opportunity for help from the community: just submit questions for next week as comments to this week's post, and perhaps one of your fellow readers will help solve your problem in short order.
This week, we're talking iPhones and USB, clean OS installs, tab shortcuts for dialog boxes, and more. Click ahead for the Qs and the As.Continue reading Ask TUAW: USB for iPhone, clean installs, MP3 tagging and more
Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - TUAW Tip: iPhone "Will" Contractions
Filed under: Tips and tricks, TUAW Tips, iPhone
I kept running into this: I wanted to type contractions like "he'll" or "we'll," but they were a hassle: without the apostrophe, they're both words on their own, so the keyboard software wouldn't recommend the contraction. I'd have to click the punctuation button, then hit the apostrophe to form the right word.
But nope, there's a better way: simply add a third "l." Type "helll," and the keyboard software will recommend "he'll." Type "welll," and the keyboard software will recommend "we'll."
Sweet.Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iConiCal: Keep iCal's icon current
After my minor gripe that the iPhone's calendar app displays the proper date on its icon, even though Mac OS X's still doesn't, a few readers directed me towards iConiCal. Basically, all iConiCal does is start up up iCal to update its icon, then it quits both iCal and itself so you don't have extra apps eating up system resources, but you also gain an iCal Dock icon that keeps you up to date. iConiCal also gives you some icon customization options, offering two alternative colors for iCal's icon both in its dormant state and after it is updated. Of course, this app also has a 'start at login' option so your iCal icon can get set right when you log in or start up, so you won't have to think about it for the remainder of your session. For anyone clamoring to have an up-to-date iCal icon and those who aren't up for adding the date to their menubar by tweaking the Date & Time System Preferences pane, iConiCal sounds like a fine solution.
iConiCal is donationware available from BlockSoft.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Red light district: Apple Stores out of iPhone stock
Filed under: iPhone
The cupboard is bare, folks... Apple's iPhone retail availability page is showing a nearly clean sweep of sold-out stores, with only stores in Pittsburgh, PA and Portland, OR lighting up green for tomorrow. I'm starting to wish I had taken Laurie up on her offer to pick me up an extra one on Staten Island last week...
Update: The website is designed to only display availability after 9 pm local time, when your regional Apple stores will have new inventory data. If you want to fool the site into displaying yesterday's data, set your computer clock to 9:01 pm.
Thanks, Tyler & Chris.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |