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- Substitute for pricey iSight: the StealthFire
As David just posted, the iSight is enjoying a dramatic aftermarket boost, with specimens going for 2x original retail (or more) on eBay. Despite the obvious profit potential -- I have mine sitting in a drawer at home somewhere -- this strikes me as a bit weird, since there are plenty of affordable FireWire cameras to be had for quite a bit less. You may not get the slick mounting hardware, but you'll get a serviceable, iChat/Skype compatible device.
While the Unibrain Fire-i appears to be out of stock (they indicate a pending refresh of the product and a late-February ship date), the GlobalMedia iRez is shipping for $130 and comes with a snazzy tripod. The true budget choice, however, is the GlobalMedia 1394 StealthFire camera; it's on closeout pricing at $50, a deal and a half. Granted, it's got the 'basic black' aesthetic flavor of an early-2000 IBM laptop (or an early 20th century Ford Model-T), but it should get the job done.
Meanwhile, for a true FireHose of data on all kinds of FireWire cams, including obscure and expensive industrial units, check out Damien Douxchamps's dauntingly extensive list of 800 models. C'est bon!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iSight prices on eBay skyrocket - will there be an encore?
Filed under: Hardware
Apple's stand-alone FireWire iSight may have recently gone end-of-life, but people's interest in the devices is still going strong, so sayeth eBay. While the iSight's retail price was $129, I'm seeing actual bids ranging from $152 all the way up to $280 as of this writing, with Buy It Now sellers bringing on the greed with prices in the range of $289 up through $500+. Even more astonishing are the completed listings - items that have actually sold (barring any fraudulent activity, of course) - which top out at $610 for a new, in-box iSight.
As before, we're still just as curious as you are as to whether there will be a stand-alone iSight 2.0. With most of Apple's lineup now sporting built-in iSights, and rumors of the Cinema Display line not being far behind, it's questionable as to whether we should hold our breath.
Thanks Austin!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - YABI - Yet Another Birthday Importer updates with new UI, multiple alarms
Filed under: Software, Productivity
YABI, as we've mentioned before, fills the void left by iCal's lackluster Address Book import of birthdays by offering far more flexibility and power. YABI can create a custom calendar for birthdays and anniversaries, display a person's age in the event alarm title, select only specific contacts to import events for and - drum roll please - create alarms for these events. What's even better is that Ferruccio, YABI's developer, has updated this already handy little utility with some great new features:
- New, very updated Unified UI that brings YABI in line with Tiger and possibly Leopard
- A built-in self-updating mechanism thanks to Andy Mutaschak's Sparkle (on a side note: you're probably seeing a lot of 3rd party apps adopt this slick feature)
- Support for multiple alarms
- and more!
Комментарии к сообщению: - New, very updated Unified UI that brings YABI in line with Tiger and possibly Leopard
- TUAW Exclusive: iChat 4.0 Voicemail
Filed under: Internet Tools, Leopard
A trusted source has provided TUAW with a screen-capture of an iChat 4.0 preference pane which hints at an as-yet-unannounced new feature- voicemail. Such a feature would round out the programs VoIP offerings and create a more complete communication experience for users.
Now if only iChat could integrate with Skype and SIP, I wouldn't need a phone at all!Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |