The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products. другие подписчики этой ленты также читают >> |
- Portable iTunes Library for Notebook-Toters
This one goes out to all my fellow notebook users out there. As iTunes expands to offer more and more downloadable content, the size of the (ever poorly named) Music folder on your hard drive will continue to envelope your free space. My Music folder is just a shade larger than my Pictures [...]Комментарии к сообщению: - Looking For an App? Here's Your List
Peter Baer Galvin has cobbled together a huge list of useful applications for the OS X platform. The best part it seems, is his commitment to keeping it updated as people comment on the thread, or apps go away, or whatever. So chances are, if you’re looking for some program to fulfill a [...]Комментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |