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- iRed Lite Takes Apple Remote Further
Front Row is a fun, interesting technology. The Apple Remote is elegant and simple. But together, they only manage to cover digital media. There's nothing to say that the remote should be so constrained. That's the fundamental insight that lies...Front Row is a fun, interesting technology. The Apple Remote is elegant and simple. But together, they only manage to cover digital media. There's nothing to say that the remote should be so constrained. That's the fundamental insight that lies behind iRed Lite, a currently free piece of software that briings the Apple Remote to other pieces of Mac software, including PowerPoint, QuickTime, Preview, iTunes and Keynote. Check it out. It's addictive.
iRed Lite - Apple Remote at its best
Via Digg.
Technorati Tags: apple, software
Pete Mortensen - Airport Extreme Shipping Two Weeks Early!
Apple's amazing storage- and printer-networking Airport Extreme Base Station is coming early to its own party. It wasn't supposed to be ready for another two weeks, but several people received this message today. To Our Valued Apple Customer: Apple today...Apple's amazing storage- and printer-networking Airport Extreme Base Station is coming early to its own party. It wasn't supposed to be ready for another two weeks, but several people received this message today.
To Our Valued Apple Customer:
Apple today began shipping our new AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11n). We
are delighted to tell you that we plan to ship your AirPort Extreme Base
Station (802.11n) two weeks earlier than we had anticipated. We now plan to
ship your product on or before Wednesday, February 14. No action on your part
is required.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email notification that will
contain tracking information. For the latest information on your order, please
visit our online self-service site:
Thank you for choosing Apple!
Apple Store Customer SupportIt's very sweet -- a Valentine's treat. The current shipping time on Apple's Store is two to three weeks, reflecting the update. I can't wait to get one.
Airport Extreme Shipping Two Weeks Early!:My iLife Forum
Via Digg.
Technorati Tags: apple, airport
Pete Mortensen - UK Mac Users: Let BBC Hear Your Voices!
A strange coincidence today has highlighted the need for some strong Mac (UK) citizenship. First of all, the BBC has put out a survey seeking feedback about the venerable broadcast institution's plans to put its programming online. If we're not...A strange coincidence today has highlighted the need for some strong Mac (UK) citizenship. First of all, the BBC has put out a survey seeking feedback about the venerable broadcast institution's plans to put its programming online.
If we're not careful, Mac users will be locked out of the BBC's content. Again. Let's hurry.
The fifth question, brought to my attention by Jonathan, is the most critical one. Pixelsurgeon explains the situation well:
I would urge all Mac-users based in the UK to fill in this questionnaire (under the "Questions" tab) with regards to the BBC's proposals to make television programmes available for download, paying particular attention to question 5:
"How important is it that the proposed seven-day catch-up service over the internet is available to consumers who are not using Microsoft software?"
(Remember to fill in your details first though, under the "Details" tab.)This isn't just about Mac users, of course. Depending on your reading, this would lock out anyone who doesn't like Internet Explorer, and most certainly anyone who doesn't use Windows Media Player.
The need for this activism was further underscored for me when I attempted to follow this link to what I'm promised was a very funny BBC segment about a class of young British students who used both Vista and Mac OS X for a week. I'm told that a few of them noted that Microsoft had copied OS X. Great! Here's the thing: I can't actually watch it, as the clip in question won't load in Firefox, Safari or Camino. Flip4Mac is useless. (Don't bother with the story, though, it's crap. The reporter won't even call OS X by name.) Fortunately, a RealPlayer version exists.
For now. The BBC has a strategic alliance with Microsoft and plans to phase out RealPlayer, just as the rest of the world is moving to Flash video. Microsoft is going to keep us from content that makes Microsoft look bad! Tell the BBC how you feel about that.
Video via Digg.
Pete Mortensen - Most Amazing Amateur Mac Museum Ever
"Soyburger" is an anonymous Mac nut who lives in O'Fallon, Illinois, MO, and here's what he nonchalantly describes as his "basement Mac collection." Except it's more like the Official Museum of Every Mac Ever that you might see at Apple's..."Soyburger" is an anonymous Mac nut who lives in O'Fallon,
Illinois, MO, and here's what he nonchalantly describes as his "basement Mac collection." Except it's more like the Official Museum of Every Mac Ever that you might see at Apple's own HQ.Outfitted with museum-quality furnishings in iPod-white, Soyburger's collection of about 75 Macs includes the original Macintosh 128, the highly-collectible Color Classic, and the clunky 20th Anniversary Mac. He has Newtons, Apple IIs, and just about every version of the fruity iMac ever shipped. It's really quite something -- I've never seen the like.
According to his profile, Mr. Soyburger is a 28-year-old video editor/animator/graphic designer. I've emailed for more details.
Via Daring Fireball.
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