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- iPhone As a Dual-OS Device
In the rush to file my column on Tuesday about iPhone lockdown and why Apple won't open up to non-Apple software, I forgot to mention the most interesting thing: what does it matter, when users can run third-party software as...In the rush to file my column on Tuesday about iPhone lockdown and why Apple won't open up to non-Apple software, I forgot to mention the most interesting thing: what does it matter, when users can run third-party software as web apps?
Instead of making software to be installed on the iPhone, like on a computer, developers could turn their wares into web apps and put them on the web, in the data cloud.
Take Google's online word processor and spreadsheet: surely these will be just as accessible to iPhone users as Google Maps? Why install Microsoft Word when you have Google Docs available anywhere, anytime.
Maybe Google has a whole bunch of web apps for the iPhone and future smartphones like it -- take that Microsoft!
Is this what Eric Schmidt was talking about when he joined Steve Jobs onstage at Macworld and talked about a Google/Apple "merger."
The iPhone would use Apple's OS locally, when it is acting as an iPod, and the much-anticipated Google's OS (or GooOS when online.
Of course, there may be problems with latency and delay. Web apps are never be as snappy as their desktop equivalents. And many people don't like the idea of storing spreadsheets or first novels online.
But maybe the iPhone could turn out to be a hybrid, dual-OS device?
lkahney - Paging John Lasseter: Up-and-Coming Animator Alert
If Disney's chief creative officer John Lasseter is keeping an eye out for talented animators -- I have a tip for you. Anna Dittman is a 13-year-old friend of my kids and an unbelievable artist. She created this beautiful hand-drawn...
If Disney's chief creative officer John Lasseter is keeping an eye out for talented animators -- I have a tip for you.
Anna Dittman is a 13-year-old friend of my kids and an unbelievable artist. She created this beautiful hand-drawn animation of herself twirling in a long dress and posted it to YouTube.
Anna drew each and every frame by hand with pencil and paper: 114 seperate drawings. "I got cheap paper because it's a lot of paper," she said.
I'm amazed at the draughtsmanship and how beautifully fluid it is. And she's just an 8th grader!
Of course, she got a little bit of help. First Anna made a movie of herself twirling and played it back on the computer. She traced several key frames on the monitor. The remaining she drew freehand. (Nothing the old masters didn't do: Hockney's camera obscura)
Her elder sister Caroline scanned the drawings into the computer and imported them into Windows Movie Maker. All in all, a couple of evenings' work.
"I'm surprised," she said. "I didn't think it would turn out so well."
And didn't it? Under California labor law, its only 8 years till Disney can hire her.
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