Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Apple Blog (3 сообщения)

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  RSS  The Apple Blog
The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products.
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  • Stream Music, Movies, and iPhotos to Xbox 360 (from a Mac!)

    I have a fairly large music and movie collection, and a fairly nice TV/stereo setup in the family room. To watch my movies and listen to my music on the good TV and stereo I could hook my Macbook Air up to the TV each time, but who wants to do that? Fortunately, we have an Xbox 360 in the living room that we can use to stream everything to.

    I have found several different pieces of software for OS X that allow the Xbox 360 find OS X based computer’s media, but hands down the best one is Connect360.

    Things I like:

    • Can stream divx - this is a new feature and it totally rocks!
    • Can point to a specific movie folder - instead of simply streaming iTunes content
    • Can view all of your iTunes playlists
    • Can adjust how often it scans your libraries - that way everytime you add media you don’t have to restart the software

    Additionally, Connect360 can pretty much handle any format you throw at it:

    • AAC, Apple Lossless, WMA
    • MP3, WAV, AIFF
    • H.264, DIVX, XVID
    • MOV, AVI, WMV, ASF
    • RAW

    So if you want to stream your media from your mac to your living room and have an Xbox 360 then definitely make the $20 investment into Connect360. I absolutely love it!


  • Blogo Gets Social, Also Talks To Strangers

    Brainjiuce has updated its weblog editor Blogo to version 1.1. This update puts it closer on par to MarsEdit (my blogging tool of choice) by adding direct text formatting commands and better file format support (i.e. for posting graphics). The user interface has also been overhauled:

    A neat Blogo feature it the ability to import the post template from your blog (to the best of its ability). This version also adds support for the “Post to weblog: command from newsreaders (and specifically mentions Safari and NetNewsWire). Bainjuice includes a bookmarklet that you can use as well.

    A weird-yet-interesting feature is the inclusion of Twitter support. It’s a full Twitter client and even has a “friends of friends” view mode. Another Twitter integration feature is the ability to send new status updates to Twitter (with shortened URLs) when a new article is posted.

    Growl support is also now included, but not very configurable (which means you have to get granular in Growl – potentially – to make it non-annoying). Blogo also now claims to support Drupal – one of the reasons I wanted to try it – but, I’ve not been able to get it to work with my Drupal sites, so until that happens, no nods to that claim.

    The application crashed on me several times, making it feel more “beta” than “release 1.1″. The features are good and Twitter support rocks, but the interface is still – at least in my opinion – clunky. If they made it more straightforward and less “glitzy,” it would go a long way towards usability. It has quite a bit going for it, though, and version 1.5 or 2.0 should make for a top-of-the-line blogging & micro-blogging posting engine.

    Blogo can be downloaded as a 21-day unlimited trial or purchased for $25 USD from the Brainjuice site. If you’ve tried the new version or used the previous version and have some thoughts to share, drop a note in the comments.


  • Gypsy Maps + iPhone = NYC Subway Atlas

    Using the directions feature of Google maps was an indispensable tool when I used to drive around town. Now that I moved to New York, I rely on the subways to get around and Gypsy Maps to tell me how.

    I’m generally pretty lazy, so once I use Gypsy Maps to get directions somewhere, I take it to the next level and email it to my iPhone so that I can look at the map on the go. I have developed a pretty good routine:

    1. Go to Gypsy Maps
    2. Enter your start and end address
    3. Click Print
    4. Click the “Ink Saver” option
    5. Click the print button, or File>Print
    6. When the print box comes up, click PDF>Save as PDF
    7. Save the PDF to your desktop

    At this point you have map, but we want to take it with us. Cue iPhone:

    1. Launch your email program and create a new message with you map as the attachment
    2. Put the destination as the email’s subject ie “Bryant Park”
    3. Put the physical street address in the body of the message
    4. Email the message to yourself
    5. Create a label “Maps” and apply it to the email
    6. Finally, grab your iPhone and open the email and the attachment on your phone. This way it will be cached and you will be able to look at the map even when your on the subway and don’t have reception. (This step is super important, so make sure you do it before you lose reception!!!)

    After a few weeks your “maps” label will be full of different subway maps, and you should be able to get around the city a lot easier. I also found a high resolution subway map on the internet and emailed it to myself, so that way I have a full subway map anytime I have my phone. Have fun!

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