Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Apple Blog (3 сообщения)

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  RSS  The Apple Blog
The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products.
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  • iPhone vs. Instinct

    Not your animal instinct, but the new Samsung Instinct, offered by Sprint. We will have some embedded video on Thursday hopefully, but until then, hit this link to go to Kansas City’s video site to see a side-by-side comparison of Apple and Sprint’s “find my location” features. The video is one of five that will be launched before the Instinct is launched, and will compare the two phones among their internet surfing speeds, capturing video, streaming TV, and downloading music.

    The $100 million advertising campaign kicks off on Thursday on those hip, new video websites. TV ads are so passé. You would think that kind of change could have bought some better quality, even the YouTube iPhone commercials look better than this. It will be interesting to see if this $100 million budget is killed before by the rumored new features of the 3G iPhone, allegedly coming out in June, also. If it has GPS, 3G, and other great features (renting movies from the phone, anyone?), this could be a wasted advertising campaign. The Instinct will supposedly have live streaming TV as well, and I don’t think Uncle Steve will be throwing that in to his “One more thing…” part of the keynote.

    The Instinct site starts with “Finally, an amazing touch-screen phone with the network to back it up.” So, from that it looks like Sprint is saying that the iPhone still rocks, but the network (AT&T) stinks. I don’t think many people will disagree with that statement. I know that I would buy an iPhone in a second if I could have it on a different network.

    The other thing that gets me about this campaign is that it was probably created in Overland Park, KS, at Sprint Headquarters. That means that the coverage for Sprint in that area, where nearly everyone is on Sprint, is exceptional. The screenshot below shows AT&T’s coverage for Sprint Headquarters.

    AT&T’s coverage viewer claims that they have “good” reception in this area which means

    GOOD: The areas shown in the medium orange should be sufficient for on-street or in-the-open coverage, most in-vehicle coverage and possibly some in-building coverage. This AT&T owned network provides GSM, GPRS, and EDGE service.

    Even with 3G, it would be hard for AT&T to have better times if they have “possibly some in-building coverage.” I wonder if Sprint thought about that and intentionally set it up for them to do better, or if the Sprint network really is that much better than the AT&T network. Both carriers don’t work at all in my basement. Anyone had any experience with both that would like to vouch for either one?


  • Planbook Educational Software

    Many schools foot the bill to get good Macs into their teachers’ hands. Mac developers know this and there are many different educational apps that teachers and students can use to make learning better. Pass this review along to your educator friends and let them taste a little bit of the good life.


    The tagline for Planbook is “Making one part of your day a little bit easier…” Planbook by Jeff Hellman is a digital planbook, and a little more.


  • Wicked-fast Screen Shot Sharing With grabUp

    You’d think by now we’d have see everything when it comes to screen image capture software for OS X. While Apple provides basic functionality out-of-the-box there are a plethora of add-ons that vie for your ⌘-Shift attention. One of the more recent contenders is grabUp, a simple enhancement to ⌘+Shift+4 that takes the selected screen area, uploads it to grabUp servers and gives back a URL for the image. That’s it. No accounts, sign-up, registration, etc.

    You enable grabUp via System Preferences and can choose whether it is available at login and also whether you wish to give up any remaining, precious menu bar space (their menu bar item provides access to your screen shot history):

    (That shot is also available via their site: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/5951fc424b702c5c85508f847f989369.png)

    Uploading is fairly speedy and providing the ability to turn off ⌘+Shift+4 hijacking makes it a complementary screen grab tool as opposed to a competitor. I should also note that it does keep a local copy of the image capture, just like an un-enhanced ⌘+Shift+4 would generate.

    I’d really like to see Growl support added so you know when the upload is finished and the URL is available, but there is built-in visual feedback for this if you do enable the menu bar icon (it turns green while the image is uploading). There is also no mention of how long your images will be available, but they are hosting over 15,000 captures as of this post.

    If you download grabUp and give it a try, drop a note in the comments. (And, before there is a deluge, readers should be aware that Skitch provides a similar bit of functionality, but you do need to register to make use of it).


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