Monday, May 5, 2008

The Apple Blog (2 сообщения)

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The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products.
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  • Forum Activity: May 5, 2008


  • Rivet Stereo Headset for iPhone

    I have been looking for some decent headphones for my iPhone for a while (I’m not a big fan of the white earbuds). I finally found the Rivet Stereo Headset made specially for iPhone and couldn’t resist.

    First Impressions

    My first impression after taking the headphones out of the package was “huh?” They are made to be worn like a lanyard around your neck, which takes some getting used to. At first, I thought it looked and felt pretty silly, but after some use I love them.

    Have you ever needed to take your headphones off for a minute to hear someone? What do you do with them? With the lanyard, you just take them out of your ears and they stay put. When you’re ready to listen again, just pop them back into your ears and hit play.

    Sound Quality

    The Rivet Stereo Headset does a good job at isolating outside noise. You might think they were noise-canceling headphones if you didn’t know the price. With the excellent isolation comes deeper bass and richer sound. It’s quite different from the open earbuds that ship with the iPhone, and at first can make the sound quality seem low.

    However, after listening to them for a while, you will notice that the sound quality is just as good, if not better, than the OEM headset that ships with the iPhone.


    I’ve had my Rivet Stereo Headset for about 6 months now, and have worn them every day. The headset cord is wrapped in a woven fabric, not plastic like the OEM headset. After a while, this fabric gets worn and dingy. I think after about a year, I’ll have to buy a replacement just because they’ll be worn out physically. This is probably the only real drawback to the headset.

    Personally, I can’t make it a year without replacing mine anyway. Just about every pair of in-ear headphones I’ve ever had gets pretty well used in a year. I wear them everywhere and all the time… to mow the grass, working out, sitting at Starbucks, etc.


    If you’ve been looking for a replacement headset for your iPhone, you know how expensive they can be. Good ones can cost upwards of $100. Some alternatives are coming onto the market, but I haven’t seen any with a lanyard design like the Rivet Headset.

    They list for $39.99 but can be had from for only $26.62. That makes them a less expensive replacement than the OEM headphones, if (like me) you’ve done something to destroy your OEM headset (I washed mine).

    I think they are an excellent replacement for the OEM headset, and a great value. You can find them at the Amazon link above, or on the manufacturer’s website.

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