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- TUAW Interviews Mike Lee of Delicious Monster, looks at Delicious Library 2
Filed under: Macworld, Software
Mike Lee, the "world's toughest programmer," and official Major-domo for Delicious Monster sat down with Scott to show off some features coming to Delicious Library 2. We know a lot of you are itching for the release of this one, and Mike gives an answer to when it'll ship... sort of.
Other items in the video:
- sharing your library
- media launching
- more categories (now tracks gadgets)
- .Mac (and more) publishing options
- metadata support
- robust import/export tools
- one click backup
- why no pro version?
- scripting support!
- plus a first look at a feature that will have Cory flipping out
Mike also talks about charity, and his efforts to help in Madagascar. The read link will take you to Mike's Club Thievey where you can help.
The video is after the jump.Continue reading TUAW Interviews Mike Lee of Delicious Monster, looks at Delicious Library 2
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Engadget reviews the MacBook Air
Filed under: Macworld, Apple, MacBook Air
If you've been dying to find out what the MacBook Air is really like, and weren't fortunate enough to be at Macworld to spend a little time hands-on with the latest Apple laptop, our colleagues over at sister-site Engadget have been busy testing the MacBook Air, and have just posted their review.
Taking you through all the innovations (and compromises) it comes highly recommended especially with the galleries. Even as someone who was at Macworld, I remain astounded at the engineering involved in getting this machine just as thin as it is. Ryan Block makes some excellent points, and his concluding sentence (not wanting to ruin it for you) will undoubtedly resonate with a lot of people -- TUAW staff included.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Ask TUAW: sending Pages, proxy serving, Finder annoyances and more.
Filed under: Features, Troubleshooting, Ask TUAW
In this round of Ask TUAW we'll cover a couple of common Finder annoyances. setting up an OS X proxy server, attached Pages documents to emails, watching out for spyware, and more.
As always your suggestions are most welcome, and questions for next week should be left in the comments. And now, to the questions!Continue reading Ask TUAW: sending Pages, proxy serving, Finder annoyances and more.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Build your own Apple Store
Filed under: Retail, Cult of Mac, Odds and ends, Apple
The fixtures at Apple Stores are very physical manifestations of Apple's legendary attention to detail. They are amongst the best designed consumer experiences I have ever had in an electronics store (many high end boutiques offer up the same attention to detail, but they are also not selling computers and iPods). Therefore, it makes sense to me that some people might want to buy similar things for their own and now you can. OOBject has compiled a list of all the materials that go into an Apple store (OK, if not everything in an Apple store, then lots of things that you might find).
Remember, TUAW isn't responsible for any damage to your credit cards that this link might cause.
[via Kottke]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Show floor video: Rogue Amoeba moves to the beat
Filed under: Macworld, Audio, Software
We stopped by Rogue Amoeba's booth last week and chatted with Paul Kafasis, CEO and big amoeba on campus, about all of their apps. Paul was kind enough to give us a quick demo of Airfoil 3 (I loves me some Airfoil Speakers) and Fission.
Check out the full interview after the jump.Continue reading Show floor video: Rogue Amoeba moves to the beat
Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Seeing iPhone in non-carrier countries? We want photos!
Filed under: Cult of Mac, iPhone
Some critics scoff at the notion that as many as 30% of all iPhones are being used in countries without an official carrier agreement. Just from our own reader comments/reports (and dim-witted criminals) we have no problem with the plausibility of those figures. One thing is for certain, plenty of people outside the officially contracted countries have and are using iPhones. And we want pictures!
Reader Jim wrote to us with this suggestion, and we think it's just great. So, here's the deal - if you live in a country where the iPhone is not officially available (or you are visiting one of those countries) and you spot someone using an iPhone, take a picture. If you are a non-carrier iPhone owner yourself, we want your pictures too! We would like to see shots that at least somewhat indicative of their geographical location -- just so we can answer any of the nay-sayers who try to claim the photos are fake.
Send your pictures to photos AT and we'll post up a gallery of the submissions. I think it will be interesting to see how many places the iPhone has traveled, even without an official contract.
Thanks Jim!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Quick video of Plasq's Magiq
Filed under: Macworld, Software
It's no big secret we love the funky look and wonderfully simple apps that come from the Plasq team. And there's no denying that Comic Life was a big hit for them. To follow that act they've been working on Comic Life Magiq, which we only had a taste of so far, but it looks just as funky and useful as you'd expect from these guys. Check out one of those age-old photo tasks: cutting a person out of a background. They actually make it look fun.
Also on:
YouTube, DailyMotion,, Viddler and CrackleRead | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Macworld puts the MacBook Air through the paces
Filed under: MacBook Air
The MacBook Air is a sexy machine, there is no doubting that, but how does it perform? Our buddies at Macworld ran some preliminary tests and this thing isn't a speed demon. Macworld tested a stock MacBook Air 1.6GHz processor and the 80 gig harddrive and compared it to a stock MacBook (2Ghz Core 2 Duo), a MacBook Pro (2.2GHz Core 2 Duo), a Mac mini (1.83GHz Core 2 Duo), and a PowerBook (1.67GHz G4).
How did the MacBook Air rate? Well, it beat the PowerBook and that's something, right? All the other Intel based Macs were faster than the MacBook Air, but these results aren't too shocking. If you're interested in a MacBook Air you aren't buying it for performance, but rather for its compact size.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mondrianum
Filed under: Software, Graphic Design
Many TUAW readers, I would assume, are in either employed by, or dabble in, the creative pursuits. This means from time to time you have to fire up an illustration program, or design something using a color scheme. Luckily, I spend most of my time writing, not designing. I am mildly colorblind, and have very poor color sense (if you've watched any of our videos from Macworld featuring me you know I'm not kidding) so picking the right color scheme for anything is often beyond my feeble talents. That's why I was so very excited when I first heard of kuler.
kuler is a rather cool Flash web app, from the fine folks at Adobe, that makes it simple to pick a pleasing color combination. Even better, if lets you save your combo and share it with the rest of the kuler users, who can rate the combos and find one that is just right for that Knight Rider tribute website they are working on.
But, I hear you asking, what the heck does this have to do with Macs? Well, my impatient reader, let me tell you about Mondrianum. Mondrianum is a cool plugin for your Mac that lets you access kuler combinations from within any app that has a color palette available. You can search kuler combos, see the highest rate, the most popular, or the most recent additions and you can even save favorite colors in little wells at the bottom of the window.
Mondrianum (which is a very clever name) is currently in beta and only works with Leopard.
[via Drawn!]
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Show floor video: Netgear ReadyNAS stores and plays it all
Filed under: Macworld, Hardware, Video
Netgear's ReadyNAS is a NAS, yes, but it comes pre-configured with an iTunes server, bittorent, wireless disk and printer support and more. Quite the plug-and-play darling, Netgear was kind enough to create some Mac-friendly tools to manage the thing (it's got a Widget!). You can configure the thing to your heart's delight , which makes it that much more versatile.
There are several flavors of ReadyNAS: a rackmount server for business folk, a cute entry-level NAS called Storage Central, the Duo series, and the terribly gorgeous NV+ series. The sweet spot for most people will likely be the Duo or NV+, as the Storage Central doesn't have the extensive RAID tools every other model above does. The product grid says something about embedded mirror/data protection, but I'm not sure that is RAID (or configurable).
Prices for the NV+ with a whopping 4TB of X-RAID storage ran from roughly $2,000 to $3,000. By comparison, the old Storage Central lines can be found online for around $70 (hard drive not included, $90 from Netgear), but the new line, Storage Central Turbo, was floating close to the MSRP of $200 (shows $189.99 on the Netgear store).
Check out the demo with Scott after the jump.Continue reading Show floor video: Netgear ReadyNAS stores and plays it all
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - EXCLUSIVE: TUAW Hands-on with the Zeiss Cinemizer, 3D goggles for your iPod
There have been plenty of attempts at LCD glasses, iPod goggles, 3D eyewear, and even a hacked iPod cyborg model, but the Zeiss Cinemizer is a little different. First of all, if the name Zeiss looks familiar, it should be. That's Carl Zeiss, one of the most respected names in optics. The Cinemizer, as a result, has a pristine viewing experience, but perhaps more importantly, doesn't suffer from the front-heavy, nose-jamming weight you find on previous offerings.
The Cinemizer supports 3D (if the video is 3D to begin with), and has a battery/control system that's about as elegant as you're going to get with something you have to strap your iPod into. Check out the video as Mike puts it through the paces. Unfortunately our "mind's eye" adapter was in the shop, so you won't be seeing what Mike sees, but his description and facial contortions arehilariousample enough.
(Video after the jump)Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: TUAW Hands-on with the Zeiss Cinemizer, 3D goggles for your iPod
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mac 101: Don't move those files!
Filed under: Mac 101
No, this won't be another post where I explain my reasons for loving and ordering the MacBook Air. That will come later when I actually have the MBA in my hands. Until then, I want to pass along a little bit of knowledge I learned while doing Mac consulting many moons ago: many files and folders on your Mac should be left alone and not moved or thrown away.
One particular incident that illustrates this point happened to a user who called me one day saying his entire Microsoft Entourage store of emails, contacts, etc. had just "disappeared" and Entourage had "reset to when it was new." Well, naturally that sounded a bit odd to me so I went over to see what I could do to resolve this little problem.
After a bit of searching around I discovered the user had "accidentally" moved a very important folder out of a folder called "Documents" (which is located in his individual "Users" folder) to the Trash. For the win, can you guess which folder he threw in the trash? iI you guessed it was his "Microsoft User Data" folder, you would be correct.
Fortunately for this particular user, after moving the folder back where it belonged all was well with Entourage and his data was restored. Let's go over that again, just to be clear. This particular folder, the "Microsoft User Data" folder, is located in your particular "Documents" folder on the hard drive of your computer.Continue reading Mac 101: Don't move those files!
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- Экономика: Когда нужно менять тренера в вашей футбольной команде
- Как работает индустрия туризма в Египте
- Игра Робот и котёнок
- Этикет в Интернет-пейджерах (ICQ и менее известные)
- 10 «за» и «против» употребления кофе | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: |