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- It's Time to Cast Your Macworld Expo Predictions
In just a little over 2 weeks us Mac geeks get to have second Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or …) When Steve Jobs takes the stage to offer the first of his two major Keynotes each year. (Otherwise dubbed, ‘Stevenote’ by super Apple nerds.) There are likely to be some exciting new hardware announcements and maybe even some new software if we’ve been extra good all year.
After a friend started asking for my thoughts on what to expect, it got the obsessive compulsive (Apple) portion of my brain going. All day long I have been contemplating my buddy’s question, and just as I convince myself of one thing, I begin rethinking the possibilities again. So, based on little more than logic and hope, here are some of the things I think we might see on January Fifteenth.
- Updated Displays - It’s been years since the current form factor came to light and there haven’t been any real changes to the line. I think built-in iSight cameras is a no-brainer at this point. Think we’ll see anything larger than 30″? I wouldn’t be shocked if Apple went nuts with a 42-incher…
- Slimmer MacBooks - My feeling is this will affect the lower end of the notebook line, and not affect the Pro series ‘books. However I suspect the MacBook Pro line will see some spec bumps.
- A Sleeker Mac Pro - With today’s technology getting smaller and smaller, I’d be surprised if the Mac Pro doesn’t begin to shrink somewhat in size. I know it needs room for its eleventy cooling fans, but c’mon! This isn’t based on any kind of information whatsoever, just a thought I had. Maybe it was a dream.
- Revamped Apple TV - This is a super long shot. But seeing as this product is sort of the red-headed step child (no offense to all the RHS children out there) of the current line of Apple products, they could do well with a major overhaul of the box. I don’t put a lot of stock in this one, but why not throw it out there just in case?
- One Last Thing - 3G iPhones available now. This isn’t my expectation, but rather that of my friend. (He really wants to wait for a 3G iPhone.) I feel it’s too early for the 3G to come available - I would think they would wait at least until the iPhone SDK is available to hype that angle, but what do I know? Still, that would be pretty sweet. (Should this happen, look for a decent drop in Edge iPhone prices.) Other enhancements to the forthcoming 3G iPhone? I think onboard GPS and at least a bit larger HDD are musts…
So there’s my list. Maybe it’s totally off base, but I’d be jazzed about some announcements like that. Who knows - maybe a brand new mystery device will instantly drain millions of nerds’ wallets… What do you think? Got any of your own predictions for the upcoming Macworld Expo?
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