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- Two more Apple Stores confirmed for New York City
Filed under: Retail
Cheer up, New Yorkers! Sure, the Red Sox beat your Yankees last night and you're now in 3rd place in the AL East, but there's good news, too!
ifoAppleStore is reporting that two new Apple Stores have been confirmed for The Big Apple. First, the borough of Brooklyn will host a store, either in the downtown area or in Williamsburg -- in other words, your guess is as good as ours.
The location of the 2nd store is more certain. Earlier this week, it was all but confirmed that a store will be built at 23 Wall Street. And don't worry, the construction workers have promised not to bury a Big Papi jersey in the foundation.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Version control for writers
Filed under: How-tos, Odds and ends
Rachel Greenham has written a very good tutorial called 'Subversion for Writers.' If you aren't a coder, you probably aren't familiar with the popular version control system, Subversion. It allows you to work collaboratively with folks on the same files (in most cases code) without feel of overwriting the work of others. Subversion tracks all the changes made to those files, and who did them, and allows you to rollback changes or branch off into different directions with having to worry about mucking up the entire project.
Rachel, being a geeky writer, immediately saw the potential of using Subversion for writers. Her tutorial walks you through what Subversion is, how to install it on your Mac (if you're running Leopard it is already installed), some apps you can use to make interacting with Subversion easier, and how to track your changes. To be clear, this method is not for everyone. If you aren't comfortable with the Terminal you should steer clear of this, and if you don't revise the same document over and over again you'll have no need for it. That being said, it is a very clever idea.
[via the Hog Bay Software Forums]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - BusySync 2.0 ships, adds Google Calendar
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools
After six weeks in beta (not long at all in Google-weeks), the new version 2.0 of iCal-sharing tool BusySync is out. The headline feature for 2.0 is of course the new iCal --> Google Calendar synchronization capability, which opens up a wide world of cloud-based options for families and workgroups already using the LAN-based sync of earlier versions. You can keep multiple iCal users synchronized (even on the same machine), sync remotely via Google, and more.
There are plenty other options for syncing your calendars with gCal, but if you need to keep more than one user's iCal coordinated (think family schedules!) then BusySync may be the product for you, starting at $25 per seat. The guys behind BusySync have a long history with Mac calendaring (including creating thelategreat Now Up-to-Date, which actually saw its first update in over a year last week) and I've been impressed with the quality of the beta release. We'll do a head-to-head comparison of the iCal sync options soon.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Last second notice: iPhoneDevCamp New York City
Filed under: iPod Family, Developer, iPhone
What do Matzoh, Gefilte Fish, and ad hoc iPhone development camps have in common? They're all scheduled for tomorrow. As the sun sets and Jews around the world begin to celebrate Passover, the festival of freedom from slavery, pale iPhone developers will be crawling back to their rocks after joining together at Polytechnic University for a free iPhone development event.
The event runs from 10AM to 6PM at the Brooklyn Campus at 6 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn 11201. Bagels and/or pizza will be served. Note that you cannot just show up at the event without notifying organizers via the website -- security has a list of attendees.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - The Frankenmac is alive
Filed under: Desktops, Hacks, Cult of Mac
Thanks to the seemingly dubious prospect of a Mac OS X-ready PC from Psystar, running Mac OS X on gear not made by Apple has gotten the Macweb all aflutter this week. Rob Griffiths of Macworld and MacOSXHints, not content with Apple's lineup of Macs, or waiting for some random company to make a clone, has created his very own Frankenmac (hence my lame Photoshop attempt to the right).
Rob documents the reasons why someone might want to run OS X on non-Apple hardware, and lists some potential pitfalls (like updates not working correctly, or hardware/software incompatibilities). Please note that Rob's article isn't a How-To on building a Hackintosh, but rather a look at why some folks find the idea so appealing, and what the drawbacks are.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Free alternatives to the Macheist bundle + more
Filed under: Software
Many people love the Macheist bundles because of the software. Others like the price. However, we're betting everyone will like some free alternatives to their latest collection -- despite the low price, there's always another, cheaper way.
In a list of freebies compiled by Lifehacker, matching the Macheist options, there are a few standouts: For money management online without the cash layout, try replacing Cha-Ching with the free Mint website. Getting your clipboard multiplier under control can be done at a cost by iClip or freely by Jumpcut. WriteRoom, the distraction-free word processor, is replaced by the web-based DarkCopy among several other options. See Adam Pash's excellent article for the full rundown.
Following the example of LH's list, here are a couple of alternative options for the current MacUpdate promo bundle:
- For SoundStudio, check out the free & open source Audacity (of course, GarageBand may already be on your Mac)
- DVDRemaster Pro's conversion and archiving chops can be met or matched by the lovely and talented (and free) HandBrake
- Leap is quite cool and somewhat hard to replicate, but SpotInside is a free Spotlight enhancer that does a nice job too
- For the Parallels headliner, you can find cheaper or free Windows emulation/virtualization tools at VirtualBox, iEmulator, and Q
Thanks Adam P.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Camino 1.6
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools
The best browser for the Mac, Camino, has gotten even better with the release of Camino 1.6. I know what some of you are thinking, 'How can you say that Camino is the best browser for the Mac? It doesn't support extensions, it isn't made by Apple, and it won't buy me a pony!'
All of those things are true (though I'm still hopeful that I'll get a Camino pony in the mail any day now), but for my money no other browser on the Mac feels more like an OS X app than Camino does (your opinion may vary, and I'm sure you'll let me know why I'm wrong in the comments). New in Camino 1.6 are a host of UI changes that make the browser much nicer to look at, as well as improvements in navigating tabs, and a search interface more like Safari's (though Safari's highlighting of search terms within webpages still bests Camino's).
Camino 1.6 is available now, and is free and open source.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Apple changes Software Update GUI for Windows
Filed under: Software Update, Bad Apple
Last month, Apple pushed Safari 3.1 out to Windows users via an iTunes update with ambiguous language and installation options. The response was not pretty. Like many other users, I was bothered by the practice (and made it clear during that week's talkcast) and hoped Apple would do a better job to differentiate between updates and new or additional software in the future.
Well, it appears that Apple has listened to the feedback an adjusted the way Software Update notifies Windows users or new software. Now, instead of just showing optional software in the same column as updates, Apple has added a seconded column labeled "New Software" (see below).
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The updated Apple Software Update Screen
Note that the software is still automatically checked (boo!), but this is much, much better than the previous method.Переслать - NYC Dept. of Education suspends Mac orders pending wireless issue fix
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Desktops, OS, Education, Bugs/Recalls, Apple, Leopard
Apple Insider is reporting that the New York City Department of Education has put all shipments of Macs to schools on complete hold while they're apparently waiting for Apple to fix a Wifi connectivity issue with OS X (which should be fixed with the 10.5.3 update). And Apple is apparently scrambling to get it worked out -- they've sent an apologetic email to faculty and have asked schools to try and separate any orders of computers that won't need wireless (that will use a regular ethernet hookup) to ship now.
Unfortunately, there's no hint of exactly how many Macs we're talking about here, but if this is a substantial number of computers, and word gets out causing other organizations to delay shipments as well, Apple will feel more and more pressure to get the problem fixed ASAP. Bad news for the kids who want Macs in New York City (that's the DoE's seal on the right, in case you didn't recognize it), but good news for anyone else having this problem -- Apple's working hard on a fix.
Thanks, Rich!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Mac Mini home theater redux
Filed under: Multimedia, Mac mini
A recent post at hicksdesign on turning a Mac Mini into a media center is very serendipitous for me, as I'm currently researching options (and buying hardware) to do just that. I've acquired a Mini, a couple of hardware items that I'm trying to decide between and several software solutions that I'm putting to the test.
The post serves well as an update to some of our previous thoughts and takes into account some hardware and software updates. Among other things, the post discusses the decision between the Apple TV and the Mini, the virtues of Front Row 2, external hardware, and some great software tips.
Admittedly, my current solution is the result of hours of hacking and wiring and runs on a PC. I've been itching for a couple of years to make the whole system Mac-based. The hicksdesign post, along with all of my other research, should lead to a system that puts my current HTPC to shame.
[via 43 Folders]
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Pwn your iPhone using Windows
Filed under: iPod Family, Cool tools, Hacks, iPhone
Yes, you can has winpwn -- for beta values of "can has". Pwning an iPhone means preparing it to accept custom iPhone firmware bundles (ipsw files) in iTunes. Winpwn 99.1.8 Beta has been released for public testing (though keep in mind that this particular tool is for use with Windows).
If you're wary of beta releases and not an early adopter, you'll probably want to keep waiting. There is no 2.0 support. You may run into LIBUSB errors (apparently fine, meaning you probably just don't have no ibooter). You must have 1.1.4 firmware loaded onto your unit in order to pwn it -- whether for Mac or Windows. The developers strongly request that any new users start with this tutorial. For more help, check out the #winpwn and @winpwn-devel channels on IRC server.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Found Footage: Tips for Dating an Apple Coder
Filed under: Cult of Mac, Found Footage
This Mahalo Daily-wannabe Lindsay Hamel's video entry made me laugh even though it seemed very similar to this old Emily Posts post about dating Apple Developers. "This is my boyfriend Kyle. He's an Apple Coder. Notice how he's facing his code and not facing me." If you're dating an Apple geek, get used to the way his back looks. The ring of truth.
As for those tees? I mostly give away my Xcode t-shirts to my kids and yes they make excellent sleepware.
[Via Mactropolis]
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Trading up to a new iPhone
Filed under: iPod Family, iPhone
The 3G iPhone is (apparently) on its way. 1st gen iPhones are being remaindered and are otherwise thin on the ground. TUAW reader Joël Huxtable writes to ask "what will we do with the old iPhone?" Well, Joel, we're glad you asked. Here are a few thoughts about what you can do with that old phone.
eBay it. The iPhone may soon be previous gen but it still has pretty good market value -- especially if you're willing to take the risk of auctioning it off to overseas clients. I expect to see some enterprising people realize this soon and start a buyback service specifically intended to put blocks of unlocked previous-generation iPhones together for sale overseas in countries without official iPhone support.
iPod it. Once you've pwned your iPhone, it becomes not only a perfectly good iPod touch but one with built-in speakers and a microphone. You don't need an active AT&T account to keep using that iPhone as one of the best iPods ever built.
Kid it. I don't know about your kids but mine are constantly after me to use the iPhone. It offers a perfectly portable sub-laptop solution for hooking into the Internet at Wi-Fi hotspots. It takes a lot of the burden off our main computer and allows my kids to watch endless Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus clips.
I'm sure there are plenty of other uses as well in addition to selling, re-purposing or sharing the iPhone. You can probably set it up as a SETI host or cryptography number cruncher. Got more ideas? Let us know about them in the comments.
Update: I am not now and have never been on an iPhone contract. I use prepaid (AT&T GoPhone). The rates are pretty stinky but with good WiFi and now VOIP, I'm not hurting for minutes. When I bought my new refurb 8GB, I swapped out the SIMs and then activated with iLiberty+. It's working fine--sends and receives calls and SMS. I did not activate through iTunes.
Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - iPhone coming to India on Vodaphone in September?
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Rumors, Apple, iPhone
Apple sources are telling the Business Standard that the iPhone is launching in India on carrier Vodafone, with an expected release date this September. The 8GB version is supposedly launching within the year for sure, with a 16GB version "based on buyer response" in 2009.
These "sources" seem to know quite a bit -- they also claimed that Vodaphone was being considered for an Australian release, and said that "multiple carriers" might even be likely. Of course, don't forget your grain of salt on this one -- Vodafone officials denied any knowledge of the deal. But it's very true that India is one of the biggest players in the "grey market" for iPhones, so a deal there, with Vodafone or another carrier, wouldn't be unexpected at all.
There is one catch -- apparently the price specified by Apple sources is around Rs 28,000, which is a whopping $700 US (for comparison, the price in the UK was £300 on release before the price drops, which comes to $599 US). So if these sources are legit, anyone wanting to take advantage of a Vodafone deal won't be doing so cheaply.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - AT&T WiFi portal for iPhone users shows up at Starbucks
Filed under: iPod Family, Internet, iPhone
It was only a couple months ago that Starbucks announced that AT&T would take over hotspot services from T-Mobile. Now the WiFi hotspots are rolling out to some of the Starbucks stores. David Chartier, of previous TUAW and now ArsTechnica fame, recently posted an article on his personal blog about the portal and what it offers. He also took the picture that you can see above.
According to David, AT&T is giving WiFi users 2 free hours of access per day. But AT&T didn't stop there -- they designed an iPhone-specific portal to sign onto the service. A local Starbucks manager told David that all 7,000+ Starbucks stores in the US should be "finished by summer."
I should note that this iPhone portal isn't specific to Starbucks -- every AT&T WiFi hotspot features the same interface -- and all devices are eligible for the 2 free hours of access (not just iPhones and iPod touches). Any WiFi device should be able to logon to the service. It is nice to see AT&T finally giving connectivity away for free.
[via 1FPS]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - New head-mounted laser display patent surfaces
Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple
A new Apple patent showing a head-mounted laser display surfaced today. The patent, which looks like a rather odd pair of sun glasses, would allow you to view video (or your Mac's screen) in a manner similar to the MyVu products. This patent also includes a geeky looking device that attaches to the belt, probably for image/video processing, and battery.
Just as you see white ear buds on many iPod owners, you may soon see Mac users with frickin' lasers mounted on their heads. This would bring a whole new meaning to the word "Machead."
You can read the patent application on the US Patent & Trademark Offices' website.
[via Engadget]
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Mac 101: Zoom and pan images in Quick Look
Filed under: OS, Tips and tricks, Mac 101
Is your laptop not among those that can do Multi-touch? Don't feel badly, you can replicate those great features!
Well, kind of. First, open an image with Quick Look. Next, hold down the Option key while performing a two-finger scroll. The image zooms in and out!
Finally, let go of the Option key but keep your fingers in place on your trackpad. The cursor turns into a four-point directional, and then you can pan the image within the Quick Look window.
This also works with a mouse and scrollwheel.
Thanks, Max!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - LCD Scrub cleans those stubborn stains from your screen
Filed under: Cool tools
Back in the day, we ran screen savers for more than just meditative entertainment, eye candy or news updates. We ran them for one good reason -- to save our freakin' screens! Burn-in was a serious problem on CRT monitors, and many displays ended up with a permanent menu bar shadow or outline of a high-contrast desktop pattern stuck there for posterity.
While LCD screens aren't nearly as likely to run into image persistence issues as older CRTs, they aren't immune to damage, as developer Daniel Sandler (author of screensaver Pyrothèque) learned to his dismay a year ago. After his flat-panel got munged by green static overnight, he whipped up a pattern-shifting screensaver to repair the burned-in pixels (based on Apple's recommendation of leaving an all-white image over the affected areas). Whaddaya know, it worked -- hence the $18 LCD Scrub screensaver/display repair tool.
Just updated to version 1.02 with registration and other bug fixes, LCD Scrub might just save you the cost of a new display. It's the fluoridated water of screensavers: secretly doing good behind the scenes.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - VMware Fusion video contest offers a MacBook Air
Filed under: Video, Universal Binary
There are so many ways to get your hands on a MacBook Air (and apparently several ways to lose your grip on one, as well). You could visit the Apple Store, or Best Buy, or shop online. You could take up a collection with friends and family, or prevail upon your spouse to get one for you.
Here's another idea: make a video about how VMware Fusionhas helped you switch to the Macis now your virtualization tool of choice, and you could win an Air. Submit your video by May 15 (every entry gets a Fusion t-shirt, so there are no losers) for your chance to walk, or trip, away with the laptop.
Despite a couple of high-profile callouts on the Fusion 'switched' minisite, I'm afraid that Mat and Chris aren't entering the contest. Too bad, guys!
Update:The VMware team has clarified that the video contest is about users who have switched to VMware Fusion from another way of running Windows on the Mac (Boot Camp, Parallels, Virtual PC, the power of the mind). Adjust your artistic vision appropriately. Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Gartner marketshare data shows a bushel of Apples
Filed under: Apple
The numbers are preliminary, but Gartner's analysis of the US personal computer market for the 1st quarter of 2008 shows some remarkable market expansion year-over-year for Apple. With a 6.6% share of the US market (behind Dell, HP and Acer), Apple shipped over a million Macs in the quarter and had 32% growth in unit sales, far outpacing the 3% growth of the overall market and blowing past sales leader Dell's otherwise stellar 15% growth.
Gartner's report notes that "Apple enjoyed strong retail sales, and there were indications that Apple showed decent growth in the professional market as well." Someone's got to be buying all those machines!
[via MacRumors]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: |