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- FarFinder: your Finder on the web
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools
FarFinder is a file sharing tool from the maker of Webjimbo (our coverage). Like the latter, FarFinder basically turns your Mac into a web server, but instead of serving up your notes from Yojimbo it instead serves up web pages that look like Finder windows. Using any web browser (Mac, PC, iPhone, etc.) you can easily download files from your home computer. And since dynamic IP addresses are a problem for many home users the service includes an optional stable URL through Flying Mac's servers.
While Back to My Mac and various VNC screen sharing options are available, FarFinder's promised straightforward ease of use both on the Mac server and on the other end in the browser definitely has a certain appeal.
FarFinder is $35 and a demo is available from Flying Mac.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Ergotron Neo-Flex Combo Lift Stand
Filed under: Accessories, Portables
Jason Snell over at Macworld got his hands on an interesting new notebook stand: the Ergotron Neo-Flex Combo Lift Stand. What's different about it is that it not only holds the notebook, like the Griffin Elevator I use, but also includes a VESA mount for an external LCD display. By having the notebook platform and the VESA mount on a single base the Neo-Flex lets you put your laptop screen right next to your external display for a relatively seamless multi-display setup. And since everything is on one base it frees up desk space for your keyboard and mouse.
Of course there's a price to be paid for this convenience and stylishness: $179. Nonetheless, this looks like one of the slickest setups out there for using a Mac portable together with an external monitor.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Ask TUAW: VPN, Entourage, TOSLINK, location manager, and more
Filed under: Features, Troubleshooting, Ask TUAW
In this edition of Ask TUAW we'll be looking at several questions about a Cisco VPN, clearing recipients in Entourage, a MacBook Pro's optical out, using a location manager, a little background on OS X and more.
As always your suggestions are most welcome, and questions for next week should be left in the comments. When asking a question please include which machine you're running and which version of OS X, as certain answers will vary between different Macs and Tiger vs. Leopard, etc. (we'll assume you're running Leopard if you don't specify). And now, on to the questions!Continue reading Ask TUAW: VPN, Entourage, TOSLINK, location manager, and more
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - TUAW Best of the Week
Filed under: Features, TUAW Business, Weekend Review
Welcome to the latest installment of TUAW's best of the week, where we gather up our favorite posts for your easy clicking enjoyment. It's really been a wonderful week: no updates!
Apple offers photo book discounts for Mother's Day
Looks like Apple is cutting all of the Mac-using-sons around the country a break!
Port Map: easy UPnP port mapping
Ah, the joyous world of port mapping ... not! Well, at least this program simplifies the process.
Mambo Italiano: iPhone for Italy looking likely
Hmm ... me thinks it might be a 3G iPhone. Oh? I am not allowed to start rumors, oh well.
Apple wants to improve online shopping
Apple wants to improve a lot of things. But c'mon, do we really want iPod shaped houses, iMac shaped cars, and all of those MacBook Air -thin TVs? Oh, you do? I rest my case.
MBP vs. MBA benchmarking showdown
Spoiler Alert: Oh wait, nevermind, MacBook Pro wins!
Apple makes a nice jump on the Fortune 500
So this is why PayPal doesn't want to pick a fight with them, eh?
Mac Automation: create a Mail-triggered "spy cam"
Next time you think someone is looking at you, it just might be your Mac!
Twinkle: location-aware Twittter client for iPhone
Yet another way to tell stalkers where you are and what you're doing. Now iPhone compatible!
Flickr Find: Lilliputian iPhone unboxing
I didn't know LEGO made iPhones!
Apple buys P. A. Semi, designer of ultra-efficient processors
No doubt to make that 3G iPhone everyone seems to be talking about.
Apple iPhone SDK Beta 4
Looks like we're getting closer to June; and of course to the iPhone 2.0 launch.
iTunes: Free Tuesday
Get some free tunes.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Aperture 2.1 SDK available
Filed under: Developer
When Aperture 2.1 was released last month it added a plug-in architecture allowing third-party developers to add editing tools. While some of the bigger names have already been working on such plugins, Apple has now released the SDK so you can too (provided, that is, you can write sophisticated image editing code). The architecture basically allows the plugin to request an editable version of a picture from Aperture and then send back the result as well as adding metadata and manipulating image data, all within a custom interface.
The Aperture 2.1 SDK is available for download from Apple, through you do have to have an ADC account.
[via Infinite Loop]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Next talkcast: Open phones and giveaways
This Sunday night at 10 PM EST, Michael Rose, our consumate Talkcast host, will once agin be out of town, so I'll be taking his place. Hopefully, we won't run into any of the technical difficulties we ran into last week.
We'll be taking open calls and discussing the top stories of the week, attempting to answer any of your questions, talking about Apple rumors...oh yeah, and we'll be giving away schwag (including some software) for correct trivia answers.
To join the conversation and try your hand at winning, just log onto TalkShoe, either with or without an account, by using the shiny new browser-only client (no downloading required and no registration needed). Just click the "TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. You can also listen in on the Talkshoe page or call in on regular phone or VOIP lines: dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID: 45077.Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Engadget snares next-gen iPhone pr0n
Why is it that our big sister Engadget always snares the great pre-release tidbits? Doesn't anyone want to scoop to us? Sure, we're littler. Sure, we're less well known. But we're fan-bois to the bone. Cut us and we bleed rainbow (and now styled silver).
That aside, Ryan "Da Man" Block found a source who got an advanced look at this slick sexy purported advanced unit. It's black, it's sleek and it just oozes iPhone-y goodness. According to Ryan's source, it will have 3G, proper GPS, a cool black finish and a non-recessed headphone jack. Check out all the deets at Engadget.
And think of us next time some advanced technology just happens to cross your path, won't you?
Update: Some of our readers suggest this "Next Gen iPhone" might be just a slight bit, er, shall we say, "photoshopped"? For realz? Or fake? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Justin Long: PC User?
Filed under: Cult of Mac
We've gotten a few tips over the last 24 hours suggesting that 'Mac' -- actor Justin Long, of the I'm a Mac, I'm a PC ad campaign -- made a shopping trip to a Cupertino-area Best Buy and surprisingly, in a bit of a CLM, pooh-poohed the available Apple hardware:
[Best Buy's John] Beck said that he showed Long a variety of machines, however he was not really interested in the products that Apple had. "He said that he's got a few of them at home, but doesn't really use them much. He said that you can't really get any good games for them and that he doesn't like the mouse since it only has one button. He also said that his started crashing a lot ever since he got the latest updates for iTunes."
Leaving aside the question of whether a Hollywood actor is clever enough to grok the Mighty Mouse's right-click capability or using Boot Camp for gaming, it just so happens that all the instances of this story lead back to this Joking Around blog post. Joking Around, which provides amusing fake news ("Making up the news -- because real news is boring!"), is not an actual news source. TUAW giggled at the "Closet PC User" story (although the one about Apple patenting the click is funnier) but in truth we have no idea what platform Mr. Long computes on. It's his business whether he is in fact a PC user or not -- and we think it best to let such personal secrets remain behind closed doors.
[Actually, we're pretty sure he uses a Mac -- but it's still his business]
Thanks to everyone who sent this in.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Nozbe: GTD for web, iPhone and Dashboard
Filed under: Productivity
If you're in the market for a web-based GTD solution, Nozbe is one worth checking out. It provides a solid project management solution with contexts, projects, tasks, optional due dates and next actions, and it does it without a cluttered interface. So why am I blogging about a GTD website on TUAW? Well, mostly because of iNozbe.
iNozbe provides full access to your tasks on your iPhone. A recent blog post by the developer details how the same interface can make a great dashboard widget. The only drawback I've found to the widget version is that the rare event that requires an alert dialog -- deleting tasks being the only one I've noticed -- doesn't work in Dashboard. But with iNozbe on my Dashboard and as GTD-to-go, it makes a great portable solution that can be accessed from anywhere. iNozbe makes use of a very complete API provided by Nozbe which can also be put to use in scripts and 3rd party apps for things like speedy task entry and getting your next actions in whatever form you want to process them as.
Given the lack of Mail and iCal integration a web-only task manager provides, it's not yet my ultimate solution; I'm still working on that. But, with an API which can update/export your projects and tasks, it can be worked into a system with applications like OmniFocus which provide AppleScript interfaces for task manipulation. Remember The Milk and others also provide such APIs, and the array of choices for both desktop and web tends to have me spending more time working on my "ultimate solution" for task and project management than actually getting anything done.
Nozbe has a free account with 5 projects available. Plans start at $2.45/month and stretch up to business accounts (starting at $24/month) which allow for group projects and task delegation. If you're in need of a new task management solution, have a look.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Calling shenanigans on MacUpdate Parallels vs. VMware link
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Universal Binary, Deals
Imagine you're trying to sell a bundle of Mac applications that includes Parallels. It's an obviously appealing deal for anyone in the market for Windows virtualization, since the bundle is priced below the retail cost of Parallels alone. Might you choose to place a teensy promotion of your bundle someplace that would-be virtualization customers would see it? Someplace, I dunno, associated with a Parallels alternative? Hey, waitasec -- you've got this handy site where people come to see updated and reviewed Mac software... now you've got something going!
Sorry, MacUpdate Promo team, but this kind of internal cross-promotion strikes me as being more than a little disingenuous, especially in the wake of a recent VMware update that is bound to drive readers to the VMware page. Lose the sales pitch and regain some editorial dignity.
Update: To clarify for our commenters, I couldn't care less if MacUpdate advertises the bundle at the top of every page on the site (as they do), including the VMware page. The issue here, however, is the specific contextual ad right next to the update listing for VMware (and ONLY there). You can call it valuable consumer information for someone who might otherwise purchase VMware at full price; I call it advertising/promotional interference with the editorial content of the site. Having it say "Editor Note" implies that the editors of MacUpdate judge the value and worth of applications by whether or not they choose to participate in a promotional bundle; so much for editorial judgement and independence. Tomato, tomahto.
Thanks to J. Carlos de Pinho for the heads-up.Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Patent suggests additional Nike+ functions
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsApple and Nike have sold millions of those tiny little transmitters that fit inside running shoes, as well as the receivers that attach to iPod nanos. Casual runners and former couch potatoes enjoyed them (yours truly included), but more serious runners lamented the lack of certain features, most notably a heart monitor.
According to iPodNN, a patent has been filed which hints at a slew of additional Nike+ functionality, like EKG, heartrate, body temperature and even hydration, through new equipment mounted "on or in" articles of clothing.
It definitely sounds cool, and could help convince more serious athletes tojoin the Apple cultbuy these cool products.Переслать - iPhone video recorder with audio support debuts
Filed under: Cool tools, iPhone
Aaron Besson of MyTriniPhone posted this morning about a new iPhone video recorder. Unlike previous entries into this realm, this updated version from DreamCatcher records both sound and video.
I download a copy and gave it a try. The interface is a little on the prototype side but it recorded without a hitch. I was able to copy the resulting mp4 video onto my Mac and play it back. It was grainy (as expected, given the low quality of the iPhone camera) but the audio was clear. Playback on the iPhone itself simply did not work for me.
Apparently this code is based on ffmpeg and there's a lively little discussion about this over at the Hackint0sh forums, if you care to check that out. You must pay to register if you'd like to record more than 30 seconds at a time or if you simply like the program and want to support the developer. Deets are in the program. Just tap Settings > About > Buynow.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - TUAW previews Hahlo 3: the Legendary Edition
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Software, Features, Freeware, Internet Tools, iPhone
John Gruber's (and my) favorite Twitter web app for the iPhone is about to get better -- if you've been on the Hahlo for iPhone homepage lately, you'll have seen that Dean Robinson is working on version 3 of Hahlo (titled, hilariously for us gamers, the Legendary Edition).
TUAW got to take a look (along with all of the other beta users) at the new software, and here's a short preview running through what the new Hahlo will look like, as well as updates to the system, including a brand new Settings page, inline replies, hashtags and searching, and lots of other cool tweaks and updates.
Our preview starts right after the jump.Continue reading TUAW previews Hahlo 3: the Legendary Edition
Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - When Apple and Art Come Together
Filed under: iPod Family, Multimedia, iTunes, iPhone
Artists, photographers, writers, musicians and other creative types use Apple products every day as tools and inspiration to help them fulfill their creative desires and aspirations. So it should come as no surprise when some of those creative aspirations turn out to actually feature one of the tools that helps enable their creativity.
Case in point: Over at LAist, editor Zach Behrens has posted a piece on artist Nick Rodrigues' mixed-media installation known as the "Porta Party." What exactly is the "Porta-Party" you may wonder? Well, its a giant-sized iPod-like box where you go inside, bring your own iPod or iPhone, and groove to your favorite music.
Or, as the man who created it sums up in his artist's statement about the "Porta-Party": "If you walk around with a party going on inside your head and your just too shy to bust a move in public. Or if you like partying but hate people. Your prayers have been answered."
It's great when Apple can help empower artists and users to reach their full potential -- especially when that full potential involves dancing. And yes, in case you were wondering, the "Porta-Party" is available for your next event.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Bootcamp updated for Windows XP and Vista
Filed under: Software Update, Apple
Bootcamp 2.1 has just been released in three Windowslicious flavors: Windows XP, Vista 32 bit, and Vista 64 bit. All three updates 'address issues and improve compatibility,' which is always a welcome thing.
Bootcamp, in case you aren't in the know, is Apple's utility that allows you to dual boot your Mac: one partition boots OS X and another boots Windows (it is a little creepy, but very cool).
Windows XP users take note: Bootcamp 2.1 should be installed before you apply Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Thanks, ben.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - iQuarantine X cures minor Leopard annoyance
Filed under: Software, Leopard
iQuarantine X is reported to be able to remove the "are you sure you want to open it?" warning from your Leopard system. The quarantine feature of Leopard (which alerts you the first time you run a downloaded program) isn't a big enough annoyance to me to dish out the $5 for the program, so I haven't tested it out. But reports from readers are that it does exactly what it says: no background scripts or launchd processes, just some lean code to make the annoying warnings disappear.
Given that a free demo of such a program would kind of defeat the purpose of charging, you have to pay the $5 charge to download iQuarantine X. If the quarantine feature bugs you more than giving up a few cups of coffee, have at it.
Thanks Bobtentpeg!
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - Get widgets for your iPhone from Widgetbox
Filed under: iPod Family, iPhone
My name is Lisa and I'm a widget junkie.
I love having widgets of all kinds on my iMac -- even things like the Ski Report (I live in Florida), ESPN (it's not football season), and Flight Tracker (I rarely fly). I even have similar ones (though Apple calls them webapps) on my iPod Touch. Since I've exhausted all the webapps for the touch that I'm interested in, I was glad to hear Widgetbox announced a gallery of widgets just for iPhone and the iPod touch users. Check it out via any browser, or right from your iPhone.
Now, most widgets are Flash-based, but these aren't and therefore don't use Apple's SDK, but they're cool and work well nevertheless. Among my favorites are the Yahoo! News RSS feeds, Random Quote Generator, and the Flickr slideshow.
While there's not a ton of widgets available just yet, there are around 32,000 developers in the Widgetbox community so I suspect the gallery will be populated pretty quickly. There's even a short video tutorial on how to make the iPhone widgets, in case you're curious -- or motivated.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - MySpace web app on the iPhone
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Multimedia, Software, Developer, iPhone
Jake Marsh sent along this neat screencast of an iPhone web app for MySpace that he's working on. Facebook basically seems to be the gold standard of social networking web apps these days, and this looks basically just like that one. It is cool that you can look up people right away, but the real improvements are on MySpace's Music pages -- not only can you subscribe directly from the profile, but he's also got it working to play all the music there (usually trapped in Flash, though there is a less easy way around it already). He also says that it might eventually be possible, for songs that are available for download, to get them with one click into the iPhone's iPod library.
Yes, it looks just like Facebook (in fact, it looks like a rip of the mobile site), but why fix something that's not broken? Unfortunately, Marsh is just showing off -- he says that it's just for him right now and he's aiming for an open beta in August. He should probably aim for a little sooner than that: after June, we might all be saying "what web apps?"Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать - VMware Fusion 1.1.2 adds Time Machine support
Filed under: Software, Switchers
Over on the blog for VMware Fusion, they've announced the release of version 1.1.2 which adds support for Time Machine backups of your virtual machines. Apparently 10.5.2 fixed some problem that prevented virtual machines from being backed up properly and they have now enabled it. They warn, however, that since Time Machine backs up anything that changes, and virtual machines tend to be rather large, you may want to exclude certain virtual machines to avoid losing too much space on your backup drive.
The new version also adds support for the MacBook Air (fixing a problem with the virtual drive), Windows XP SP3 Boot Camp partitions, and simplified Chinese, as well as quashing various bugs.
VMware Fusion 1.1.2 is a free update for registered users and $79.99 otherwise.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsПереслать | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: |