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- Amazon offers up two iPods for the price of one
Filed under: iPod Family, Apple
Amazon has started selling the iPod touch 32GB model. You might be asking, "What's so special about that?" Well, if you read the page carefully, you will notice that Amazon also is offering up a free iPod shuffle with the purchase of an iPod touch 32GB. That's right, you get a free 1GB iPod shuffle when you purchase an iPod touch.
The ad reads: "You qualify for a free 1 GB iPod shuffle with the purchase of this 32 GB iPod touch from Eligible 1 GB shuffles include the blue, green, silver, and purple. Just add both items to your cart and you will not be charged for the shuffle."
As you may recall, Apple lowered the price of the iPod shuffle to $49 last week. Amazon is currently selling the 32GB iPod touch for $494 while Apple is selling the same thing for $499 -- seems that Amazon is wanting your business. Do you plan to use this opportunity to get a free iPod shuffle? Be sure to sound off in the comments!
[via iPodNN]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - DIY on how to make your plants Twitter
Filed under: Hardware, Software, Hacks, How-tos, Odds and ends, Internet, Open Source, MacBook
Engadget hit on this one, and it's technically possible to do it with a Windows PC, but considering that Mac users are greener than most folks, and lovers of both plants and cool tech DIY, we're posting it anyway. Botanicalls, which is a project to help your plants make phone calls, has posted a how-to guide on getting your plants to twitter when they need water, got water but not enough, or are even being overwatered.
The whole rig requires an Arduino board, and it's not exactly for Mom to do on her own (unless of course your Mom is an electrical engineer, which is entirely possible), because it also will walk you through making your own moisture sensor. Once you've got everything plugged in, the Arduino software will talk to the unit via USB and ethernet, and a terminal script will actually send the Tweets out. Unfortunately, despite a quick search on Twitter, I wasn't able to find any plants actually tweeting, but if you have one, let us know.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Apple's $18 billion stash
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Odds and ends, Apple Financial, Steve Jobs, Apple
Where's all that cash that Apple made from the iPhone and all those iPods, Macs, and iTunes downloads last year going? Why, right into Apple's mattress. According to the Financial Times, Apple currently has $18 billion sitting on their balance sheet, doing nothing much at all. And they're OK with that -- Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer recently said in the Q1 conference call that they like having that "flexibility." And after all, you never know when you might need to drop $18 billion on something important.
All that money doing nothing isn't so great for Apple's investors though, some of whom apparently want a piece of the pie. They might like to see dividends, stock buybacks, or even actual spending come out of that on Apple's part (later in the piece, I'm surprised to see that Apple only spends 3% of their sales on R&D, while Microsoft spends 14%). But no -- Apple is flush with cash from all their big sales numbers, and they want to apparently stay that way.
[Via Ars]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Macs at Microsoft fail to shock
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Software, Switchers, Cult of Mac, Apple, Macbook Pro
Let's all point and laugh: the folks at Microsoft use Macs! Because, you know, they make Windows, and Macs aren't Windows, and Microsoft and Apple are competitors, and isn't it funny and aren't cats and dogs different?
Actually, let's not do this. Let's realize that Microsoft is a company and Apple is a company, and while yes, in some fields they are competitors, let's just put the whole Apple vs. PC idea to bed. Guess what: a Mac actually is a PC. It's a very, very well-made PC (in fact, the best made, in this blog's humble opinion). And why wouldn't the folks at Microsoft want to use the best PC out there to develop and run their programs?
The battle between Mac and PC was cute back during the PowerPC age, when there were major differences between the two platforms. But things have changed: Macs run Windows, dogs and cats are lol-ing together, and the war's just not worth fighting any more. Of course Microsoft employees use Macs -- who wouldn't?
[Via FSJ]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone and iPod touch wallpaper roundup
While checking out yesterday's beautiful iPhone mod, we though about wallpaper that would compliment an all-black iPhone. In the process we compiled a list of our favorite resources for iPhone (and iPod touch) wallpaper.
Have you got a favorite that we've missed? Let us know in the comments.
While we're at it, check out more details on that iPhone mod, including pictures of the complex machine that gets the job done.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - New eBook explains Leopard's permissions
Filed under: OS, UNIX / BSD, Leopard
Despite John Gruber's longstanding assertion that "Repair Disk Permissions is voodoo," Brian Tanaka has published "Take Control of Permissions in Leopard" for the Take Control series of eBooks. It's part troubleshooting (how to delete stuck files, for example), part tips and tricks (the best ways to keep files private) and part theory. It's only $10US for 87 pages of very useful information.
For example, you might learn that repairing permissions with Disk Utility won't change the permissions to any of your user-centric files -- it's meant to restore application and system file preferences to their as-delivered condition. Even if you do think that Repair Permissions is nonsense, it'll be nonsense you fully understand.
[Via MacMinute]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone-optimized versions of LinkedIn, TalkShoe now up
Filed under: iPhone
We don't post about every website that comes up with an iPhone/iPod touch-optimized version -- if we did, we wouldn't have time for eating or sleeping -- but every now and then a couple of sites newly built for Mobile Safari rise above the pack. Today's launches for everyone's favorite "internet in your pants" browser include pro-social business networking site LinkedIn and collaborative calling tool TalkShoe.
LinkedIn's new iPhone beta version (at allows you to view a list of your recent network updates, see your own profile (lest you forget your vital details) and search through your contact list. No editing options and no click-to-call or click-to-send buttons in this early version, but having the streamlined view is quite nice.
Meanwhile, over at TalkShoe (host site for the weekly TUAW live podcast) the team has released an iPhone version of the Talkshoe site at It does a nice job integrating the telephony component of the service with call selection and management. Using the new iPhone UI, you can quickly search for ongoing or upcoming calls, then single-click to call in and chat about your topic of choice. Naturally we have some suggestions.
There'll be a TalkShoe call tonight at 8 pm ET featuring our friends Victor Cajiao of the Typical Mac User podcast and Adam Christianson of the Maccast to discuss the new iPhone-optimized site. Should be fun.
via Macworld & iPhone MattersRead | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - MotiMotion Prospects manages your cash
Filed under: Software
There are many good ways to manage your money on a Mac (oh yeah, there's also QuickBooks). We at TUAW found yet another money management application for your Mac, and this one looks really good. MotiMotion's Prospects allows you to keep all of your banking accounts (and credit cards) organized with graphs, a register book, and more. When you start the program, you get an overview that has a graph of your assets and liabilities -- giving you the ability to see everything you need to.
In addition to pretty graphs of your cash, you also can create: budgets, reports, categories, rules, and more. You can import QIF, OFX, and QFX files from your online banking website or from other money management applications. So, if you are in the market for a good money management application, then you should give Prospects a try.
You can download Prospects from the MotiMotion website. They offer a free version that limits you to 100 transactions across your accounts or a single-user license for $35 (they also offer a family license for $10 more).Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - In-room iMacs added to hotel amenities
Filed under: Odds and ends, iMac
Mac lovers traveling to the UK may be able to leave their computers at home -- as long as they stay at a City Inn hotel.
Guests will find a shiny iMac in each room, with full access to the internet, iLife and Office apps. Plus, the hotel will let you use the iMac as a TV, internet radio and media player (DVDs and CDs).
"But will the hotel keep a history of what I do with that machine?" you ask. The answer is "No." They use Faronics Deep Freeze software to restore each machine to its factory settings every 24 hours, so you're safe (that also means you shouldn't save the article you're writing on the iMac's hard drive).
This isn't the first time we've seen hotels offer Apple products to guests. In 2004, several W hotels gave away iMacs, iPods and music on "iTunes Days," and just last year Pod Hotels offered an iPod dock in each room.
[Via Macenstein]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Rumor: New MacBook Pro shows up in Apple, Best Buy inventory system
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Portables, Rumors, Macbook Pro
AppleInsider is reporting that they have confirmed the Apple part numbers that were supposedly "leaked" out of Best Buy are in fact the real deal, and could be new MacBook Pros; other rumor sites are chiming in as well.
This comes after some of Apple's retail chain partners have received part numbers and prices that match Apple's usual style; as of late, these numbers have been added to Apple's own inventory management system. One of the inventory systems reports stock on hand by Friday, February 29; our most recent information points us to an availability date of March 2 or earlier for these new machines.
The numbers in question are:
- MB402LL/A ($1999.00)
- MB403LL/A ($2499.00)
- MB404LL/A ($2799.00)
If these rumors are true, then why is Apple going up on the price of their Pro notebooks? For the base model, that's a $200 price increase.Whoops, looked at the wrong laptop pricing. These prices, as our loyal commenters have noted, are exactly in line with the existing MacBook Pros. Whew.
[via AppleInsider]
Thanks Mr. X
Update: Engadget just posted what appears to be a printout of the Best Buy database showing the Apple part numbers.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Keywurl adds keyword searching to Safari
Filed under: Software, Freeware
The world of Safari plug-ins has a sparse and somewhat barren landscape; however, sometimes you run into some plug-ins that are must-haves. Keywurl is one such Safari plug-in. Keywurl adds the ability for Safari to do keyword searching just like Firefox does -- which will end up saving you time.
You can assign specific keyword searches in the Safari preferences. So for instance, if I wanted to search for "Steve Jobs" on Wikipedia, then I would type "wiki Steve Jobs" in Safari's address bar; the query would then be sent to Wikipedia, where it would be parsed in a search and the wiki page displayed.
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Keywurl is available as freeware from the developer's website. It runs on both Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) and Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4); and requires Safari 3.0 or later. What's not to love with the price of free and the ability to add custom keyword searches to Safari?Комментарии к сообщению: - Win a BookEndz Dock for MacBook from Macsimum News
Filed under: Accessories, Hardware, Portables
If you failed to win the BookEndz Dock for MacBook that we gave away last month, Macsimum News (MN) is offering you another chance.
It's almost April, so they're having a good, old-fashioned Easter Egg Hunt. Several articles on the site will be littered with colorful eggs. Keep track of which eggs appear where between today (Feb. 25) and March 18, then email your findings back to the folks at MN. You can read the full details here.
The BookEndz Dock is a cool product. In our previous review, Mat said, "The MacBook model looks particularly nice with a built-in 5 port powered USB hub and both VGA and DVI connectors...and [makes] moving a MacBook (Pro) between locations with many different peripherals quite easy."
Good luck, everyone.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Missing Drawer for TextMate revisited
Filed under: Software, Open Source
Way back in 2006 - after the excitement of the Midterm Elections and before the launch of the Wii - Hetima wrote MissingDrawer, a plugin for the oft-mentioned TextMate that took the standard-issue OS X drawer used by TextMate project file lists and turned it into an Xcode-like pane embedded in the edit window. It was lauded by many as a major improvement of the TextMate UI, but has gone pretty much untouched since then, perhaps because it was good enough for most users to begin with. But Jannis Leidel saw room for improvement.
The new MissingDrawer builds off of the original, adding some aesthetic UI tweaks along with some usability polish. On the aesthetic front, it increases the line height of the file list, shrinks the project buttons and tweaks the file list frame. A new resize method accompanies the resizer handle and the position of the splitter pane is saved automatically now. And lastly, the panel now hides when using the Show/Hide Project Drawer menu item or shortcut.
You can download the 2008 MissingDrawer (including source code) at Jannis' site, and installation is a couple of double clicks away. TextMate users who liked the first version of the plugin will surely appreciate the touch-up. I know I do.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mac 101: Restore a Safari window
Filed under: Mac 101
For those of you that use tabbed browsing in Safari, you know how frustrating it can be when you accidentally close a window full of tabs. Well, if you are using Safari 3 you can get that window back, along with all of the tabs. When you accidentally close a window full of tabs, just click "History" in the menu bar and select "Reopen Last Closed Window." You can also use "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" if you accidentally closed Safari and need to get all of your windows and tabs back after re-launching Safari.Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone macro lens hack
This isn't the first time we've seen someone take macro photographs with an iPhone, but it is the most involved.
Last time, someone just held a pocket magnifying glass against the lens. This time, blogger Colin Devroe attached the lens from a dead digital camera to the back of his iPhone McGyver-style and produced some nice results.
But what about low-light situations? Colin has got that covered, too. He mounted a small, giveaway light he picked up at last year's SXSW's keynote to the iPhone and found that it functions as a nice flash.
Good job, Colin! You've demonstrated the answer to the question, "Why are you holding on to those old things?" (Answer: "Because I might need it some day").
[Via our very own Flickr pool]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - OS X Help simplifies the Mac segue
Filed under: Switchers
My mom and dad just purchased their first Mac. Unfortunately, it turns out I'm not a great teacher because I get overexcited about advanced features and take the basics for granted when I try to explain things. Fortunately for me, my father shares my autodidactic personality (might be where I got it...) and has been taking the learning curve in stride. I've felt like there are a lot of things they need to know about my favorite platform, though, that I haven't been very good at communicating. I've been wishing there was an all-inclusive, step-by-step resource that could better convey all of the information I try to share in my not-so-good-for-switchers way.
Enter OS X Help, which debuted in January and has built up a nice catalog of articles for people just getting their first taste of OS X. The site features the tag "Insanely simple tutorials for the first time Macintosh user." I immediately thought, "son of a switcher! This could be the answer!" From hardware tips to an in-depth look at Safari and Finder, Scott Haneda and Caroline Merchiers have compiled a well-organized collection of brief introductions to Macintosh topics. The email to my parents is on its way.
[Ed. note: Brett's modesty forbids any mention of our own Mac 101 series for new and returning Mac users... but look there, it got mentioned anyway!]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Time Capsule in this week's Best Buy flyer
Several readers have written to let us know that Apple's Time Capsule is listed in the current Best Buy flyer. It is scheduled for a February release, so this could mean that we'll see it in stores this week.
If any TUAW readers visit a Best Buy this week, let us know if you find a Time Capsule on the shelves, and if you buy one!
Thanks, to everyone who sent this in!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Potential fix for an annoying MacBook Air wireless issue
Filed under: Tips and tricks, Troubleshooting, MacBook Air
As much as I love my MacBook Air, it's had one issue in particular recently that has been pretty annoying: it drops wireless network connections seemingly at random intervals and for no particular reason. Not all wireless connections, though, just some and again, with no discernible pattern of access point or type of connection. For example, it works on my home Airport network flawlessly, but with some public Wi-Fi networks, it has a problem.
Case in point: I was at a local coffee shop near my house recently that provides free WiFi. Given that the WiFi was free and only had a WEP password, it should have been a simple matter to connect and enjoy the benefits of free Internet access. After being told the WEP password, I was able to enter it, click "Save this password to the Keychain," sign on to the wireless network and was off and surfing. Unfortunately, my wireless connection was short-lived as after only a few minutes, the connection dropped, leaving me with nothing.
Not knowing the exact nature of the problem, I connected again by selecting the network SSID in my list of available networks which show up in the Airport menu on the top right of the screen. When I selected the network, I was again prompted for the password I had just entered a few minutes ago and had, as I remembered distinctly, clicked that I wanted the Keychain to remember.Continue reading Potential fix for an annoying MacBook Air wireless issue
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