Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Apple Blog (4 сообщения)

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The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products.
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  • Apple issues song credits as apology for iTunes Store problems

    iTunes Last week many people had issues with not being able to download their songs from the iTunes Store despite the fact that their credit cards had been charged (I was included in that bunch).

    Today I received an email from iTunes Support with (among other things) the following note:

    Please accept the following Five Song Credits as an apology for the delay in receiving your purchase. These credits are good for five songs of your choice from the iTunes Store.

    I would assume I’m not the only person who will receive this but I also doubt Apple will do anything in regards to explaining what might have happened to cause the huge delays people experienced.

    If you experienced download delays, have you received this credit from Apple?


  • Is A 3G iPhone Worth The Wait?

    My temptation to plunk down the cash for an iPhone grows almost daily, especially after the recent price drop. But now rumors are surfacing that Apple will update the device to 3G network compatible chipsets (not to mention an addition of GPS) by very early 2008. Of course GPS is no small feature, but how much of a difference will the network really make?

    What do you guys think? Is it worth the wait? Has anyone with an iPhone had an unbearable experience due to the AT&T’s EDGE network? Does anyone curse AT&T every time they make a call?


  • And you thought the US iPhone was expensive…

    iPhone - Germany

    Well anyone who complained about the iPhone being expensive here in the US can officially shut it (myself included).

    An ad for the 8GB iPhone in Germany (pictured above) has the phone costing a whopping 899 Euros. Do some quick currency conversions and you find that 899 Euros is over $1,200 USD! Holy smokes! That puts it right around 3 times the cost of the US iPhone.

    Let’s be honest, that price is just ridiculous. I don’t care how much money you have or how bad you want an iPhone, it is in no way worth $1,200.

    UPDATE: Well looks like I stand corrected. It would seem that the ad above is either a hoax or a typo (or both). The official price in Germany is 399 Euros.

    Thanks Jonathan Marcialis for the tip (and article scan)

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  • Why Starbucks/Apple Collab is so Interesting

    Back when the Zune dropped (and kept dropping…) I was talking with a friend about the features - specifically the wifi that came built-in. While the product as a whole seemed like a brick, there was something interesting about having a media device with ad-hoc wifi enabled. He envisioned a new wave of advertising directed squarely at these Zune users. Had Microsoft had their heads on straight, this type of service should have been launched along with their “iPod Killer”.

    Fast forward a few months from then, and the iPhone is kicking butt and taking names. Then a wifi store is given us, along with an interesting feature collaboration with Starbucks: buy the music you hear in the coffee shop over their wifi! This feature hasn’t gotten the attention I would have expected. But essentially, Apple has launched the type of initiative that Microsoft missed out on earlier in the year.

    It starts with Starbucks - hear a song you like while sipping a latte, connect your iPhone to their wifi, buy it. Take it a step further, and when you walk into a Target, Nordstroms, or Sephora (for example) and get targeted deals sent right to your promiscuous iPhone. Obviously you don’t have to choose to view it, or use the wifi in such stores, but there’s the model! Maybe this Starbucks collaboration will lead to essentially free (ad-driven) wifi in more places. This could really turn the tide as it seems more and more wifi is closing the doors to being offered up for free.

    I for one wouldn’t mind seeing a targeted ad, sale-priced items, or a quick 30-second commercial if it meant I could grab some free wifi in most of the places I frequent. Obviously this doesn’t apply just to the iPhone, but I think it’s interesting that such a model of advertising could be around the corner because of it.

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