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- Hoodry Pink iPod speaker
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family, Holidays
Mother's day is just around the corner. Why buy roses when you can pick up a limited edition pink hoody iPod speaker for a mere 120 bucks? It's practically the same color as that old Mother's Day standby red germaniums, but it's way cuter. Unfortunately, when I say "limited" it means that they are only selling about thirty of these things. Also, I can't tell from the picture which kinds of iPods are supported. Still, it's exactly the sort of present to please and surprise a Mac Geek Mom on Mother's day.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - DLO Jam Jacket with cord management
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
Here's a great idea. Digital Life Outfitters is releasing a new Jam Jacket silicone iPod case with a twist: integrated earbud and cord management. As you can see, your Apple earbuds fit into the molds and the cord wraps around the back. This way you only have to unwrap as much of the cord as you need. Brilliant!
The Jam Jacket with cord management is also affordable at $19.99; there also a version for the 2nd generation nano for the same price. I think I may just have to pick up one of these.
[Via iLounge]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mac 101: Finder Slideshows
Filed under: OS, How-tos, Mac 101
Did you know that you could create a full-screen interactive slideshow just by selecting items in Finder? Finder's built-in slideshows are one of OS X's most fabulous but also most overlooked features. All you have to do is select a bunch of images, control-click (or right-click) your selection and choose Slideshow from the pop-up contextual menu. OS X clears your screen (or screens if you're running on more than one monitor) and begin its presentation.
You have full control over how the slides play back. For example, you can pause, rewind or skip forward by using the interactive controller at the bottom of the slideshow screen. As in QuickTime's full-screen mode, this controller disappears after a few moments and can be brought back by jiggling your mouse. From left to right, the controls let you go back (left arrow), pause (pause/play indicators), go forward (right arrow), switch to an index sheet presentation (four rectangles), toggle between full-screen and actual size presentation (square with arrows pointing out or in), import images into iPhoto (photo with camera) and leave the slideshow (circle with embedded "x").
Continue reading Mac 101: Finder Slideshows
Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Keep your Mac awake with caffeine
Filed under: Freeware
Our Macs work hard, and sometimes they get sleepy. But that doesn't mean they can slack off on the job! To keep your Mac alert and ready to go, check out Caffeine. It's a tiny little app (and at 48KB, we mean tiny!) that puts an icon in your menu bar. Give it a click to prevent your Mac from going to sleep, putting the disk to sleep or dimming the screen. Click again to remove these restrictions. It's quicker than launching system preferences and adjusting those settings manually, and convenient for those overnight downloads. Caffeine is universal and free.
Alternatively, try out Jiggler, which periodically "jiggles" your cursor to prevent your Mac from sleeping or launching a screensaver. Like Caffeine, Jiggle is universal and free. Now tell your Mac to get to work!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Your browser's next plugin: Silverlight?
Filed under: Software
At this year's NAB, Microsoft has revealed Silverlight (né Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere, WPF/E), its new cross-browser, cross-platform video plug-in. This new plug-in supports Safari and Firefox as well as MSIE and was written using .NET technology.
TUAW reader Neil points out that this means that at least some of the .NET framework must have now been ported over to the Mac. You can read more about the introductory post here on Tim Senath's Microsoft blog and Neil's .Net on Mac analysis here.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone on Lost?
Filed under: Humor, Rumors, iPhone
I'm not much of a "Lost" fan (I guess you could say I "lost" interest in season one. Ha!). However, many people are, including TUAW reader David who noticed that the UI of a "satellite phone" used on last night's episode looked kind of familiar (Reader loki the first has posted a much larger screenshot here). Those rounded square buttons, even the real Mac OS X "Home" icon...heck, that's an iPhone! OK, an iPhone crammed into a Newton, but the similarities are pretty striking. Heck, note the hand position in both photos (yes, we realize that there are only so many ways to hold a cell phone).
So now they've got an iPhone before anyone else. That island really IS strange...
Thanks, David!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Quickly relaunch an app with Quicksilver
Filed under: Software, Tips and tricks
That's it, Quicksilver is officially The Handiest Utility Ever. This great tip from Lifehacker explains how you can use Quicksilver to quickly relaunch an application that has - *ahem*- unexpectedly frozen. Simply call up Quicksilver, find the target application, tab over to the action pane, type "relaunch," hit return and blammo! The errant app gets a kick in the seat. Thanks, Quicksilver!Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - AT&T: iPhone will launch on time
Filed under: iPhone
Alright, everyone just settle down. With all the hysteria over Leopard's delay - supposedly because of the iPhone - the Mac faithful have come just a bit unhinged. According to AT&T, the iPhone's launch will not be delayed as well. Here's what AT&T Chief Operating Officer Randall Stephenson told Rueters on Wednesday:
"Our expectations are good. Our testing has been good...The iPhone is on target to launch in June."
Ahh, doesn't that make you feel better?
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Sling Media wants to stream to iPhone
Filed under: Video, Internet Tools, iPhone
We mentioned a while back that Sling Media was working hard to add support for the Apple TV to their Sling Box placeshifting device. Now the company's CEO Blake Krikorian revealed at NAB that the company is courting Apple to allow Sling to offer their client software on the iPhone. This would effectively allow iPhone users access to their entire home media collection as connected to a Slingbox. Presumably, this would have to be over WiFi since the the iPhone's EDGE connection would be too slow for video. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Apple is not commenting on this.
For my own part, I think this would be an absolutely killer feature for the iPhone, though I would not be surprised if Apple had in mind developing something in house rather than letting Sling offer their client (which already runs on Mac, PC, Windows Mobile, and Palm).
[Via MacNN]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iTunes Store Sale: classic albums for $7.99
Filed under: iTS, iTunes, Deals
The Apple 2.0 blog from Business 2.0 is reporting iTunes' First Album Sale. Apple has placed more than 100 albums on sale for $7.99 each. They are arranged chronologically, in four categories. There are some absolute classics like Kind of Blue, A Love Supreme, Pet Sounds, Dark Side of the Moon, Nevermind, and many more. I'll certainly be picking up a few of these. Check it out (iTunes link) on the front page of the iTunes Store; it's not clear how long the sale will last.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - Video pros weigh in on Final Cut Studio 2
Filed under: Software, Video, Other Events, Apple Professional
I'll admit that some of the new features in Final Cut Studio are a little bit over my head, as a non-pro-video guy. OK, pretty much all the new features are over my head, so I asked a couple of pro-video friends for their expert opinions on the NAB announcements.
First, Josh Apter from NYC's Manhattan Edit Workshop, a top training facility for Final Cut:
Three words - open timeline editing. Two words - color correction. One word - wow. From a training standpoint, MEW is going to offer discounted upgrade classes on this new package as soon as it hits the street. From a practical standpoint, users have one hell of a toy to unwrap.
Second, my colleague Matt Paleologos, video post supervisor at MJM:
Wow! Color is as good as a $50K color grading system and It's included in FCS 2. Motion has now officially grown a pair. 3D, motion ramping, better workflow. This is looking like a banner year for Apple and the death of Avid. And, we have to have Final Cut Server!!!! $1000 for 10 concurrent users, $2000 for unlimited. Runs on OS X Server and requires 1 Xsan client. Must have this! MUST!
"Wow." Works for me.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPhone accessories are growth industry
Filed under: Accessories, iPhone
Wired tells us that iPhone accessory launches are starting even before the iPhone's release. Leander Kahney writes that Japanese case makers are rolling out protective iPhone cases like the one shown here.
The iPhone isn't due until June and iPod's $1 billion accessory market makes the iPhone a hot prospect for similar entrepreneurship. keep in mind that the iPhone will sport the same Dock connector that has made the iPod accessory market thrive. We certainly live in interesting times.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - TUAW Tip: Re-embed iTunes artwork in media files
Filed under: Software, Tips and tricks, iTunes, TUAW Tip
One of the backend changes that came with the release of iTunes 7 is how the app stores album artwork. The days of embedding album artwork in music files are gone, due in part (I assume) to the purchase and integration of CoverFlow, a flashy new way to browse your albums. Artwork is now stored in a new ~/Music/iTunes/Album Artwork/ folder, but what if you want your album artwork embedded in those files? Users can have any number of reasons for wanting this, such as the Growl notifications that Quicksilver creates when iTunes starts playing something new. Those notifications (as I understand it) are incapable of properly display album artwork unless the image is embedded in the file, so iTunes 7 has created a bit of a conundrum with this new organization feature.
Never fear, however, for Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes is yet again to the rescue. Doug has a handy script aptly titled Embed Artwork that can do just what it says: embed the album art back into your files. This should make things easier on Quicksilver + Growl, as well as if you move your media files to a new computer, artwork in tow.
As usual, Doug's scripts are provided for free, but donations for all his hard work are strongly encouraged.
[via Quicksilver's forums]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |