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- Schoolhouse 2
Filed under: Software, Education, Freeware
School is a lot of work as it is without having to worry about how you're going to remember that you have an essay due next Monday for your Sub-Aquatic Fiber Arts class. Some people swear by the tried-and-true paper notebook, while others can't cope without their fancy PDA. While there are a few software options for those hardcore geeks (like me) who take their computers everywhere with them (including class), Schoolhouse is far-and-away my personal favorite. In addition to an almost totally redesigned interface, version 2 introduces some really handy new features including the ability to attach files to assignments, sub-tasks for multi-step assignments such as research papers, and a way to store all your class notes directly inside Schoolhouse. Schoolhouse is available as a free download- all the developer asks is if you enjoy and use the software, that you consider donating (unfortunately, the donate link is currently down).
[via Lifehacker]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Sandvox 1.1.2 available
Filed under: Software
Sandvox is the WYSIWYG web editor from the folks at Karelia Software that we've written about before. If you're unfamiliar, it features a nice interface, attractive default templates and simple publishing (choose .Mac or your own host). Today, Karelia announced the availability of version 1.1.2. This version includes a long list of changes and enhancements, including:
- A greatly improved media browser
- Enhanced publishing and exporting
- Memory leaks cleaned up
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mailplane update uses latest WebKit to enable rich text editing
Filed under: Software, Productivity, Internet Tools, Beta Beat
Since we last mentioned Mailplane, the Gmail client that integrates with Mac OS X, it's received a series of minor updates that have fixed bugs and added a few features. The most recent update, however, has added some significant new features such as a 'Mail PDF with Mailplane' print dialog plugin, customizable toolbar, clickable Growl notifications that take you to the specific message and - to my personal delight - simple instructions for enabling rich text editing when composing messages. This is big news because Mailplane uses WebKit - the same open source web rendering engine Safari is based on - to interact with Gmail, which means Mailplane is also limited by WebKit's inability to provide rich text editing features like bold, justification, colors, etc.
Fortunately, turning on rich text editing is as simple as downloading the latest nightly app build of WebKit and telling Mailplane where you put it. This won't overwrite Safari or interfere with it in any other way, so this process is pretty low-risk for gaining rich text editing, but seemingly only in Gmail (either in Mailplane or using WebKit itself as a browser). I tried surfing to a few other sites and couldn't get rich text widgets to appear in any of them.
Either way, this is great news for Mailplane users who want to join the rest of the internet in using some text formatting goodness when composing their messages. If you need a refresher on what Mailplane is all about, check our previous post and photo gallery for a brief tour, or head over to the Mailplane site to read more and sign up for the private beta.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Mac Whine: Spotlight's disconnected image results
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, OS, Software
It's no secret that Spotlight needs a bit of work catch up to 2007. Users far and wide complain that it can grind to a halt all too quickly after firing up a fresh install of Mac OS X, and even though Apple has some good tips for Spotlight power users, it still just isn't quite *there* yet. So, to hop on the 'Mac Whine' train that Leo and his merry band of TWiTs have begun on MacBreak Weekly, I figured the rest of the Mac web could start chiming in with the occasional annoying quirks and problems with Apple's oh-so-shiny products.
My first contribution is Spotlight's handling of image search. I've been trying to refresh myself lately on Spotlight and what it's capable of (such as finding text in a Photoshop layer), and I've also been playing around with Aperture as an alternative to iPhoto. One particularly annoying thing is the way Spotlight handles image search results, which you can see in the screenshot. I searched for "quick," and Spotlight found quite a few images that had that word somewhere in their filename or metadata - but it doesn't show me where or what that data is (i.e. - why this photo was relevant to my search). Spotlight *must* have found some metadata relevant to my search since it returned this image (in this case I suspect it was the name I assigned to the image in iPhoto), which Spotlight clearly must have seen - so why didn't it share what that data is? The default result UI doesn't even tell me where those images are or what app they're tied to; I have to click on the (i) to reveal things like whether this pic was in my iPhoto library or simply laying around somewhere else.
Add this minor gripe to the (large) pile of things that could use a coat or two of polish from Apple's Spotlight ninjas.Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Poll Results: Updating your iTunes Music
Filed under: iTS, iTunes, Surveys and Polls
The results are in! When Apple announced that users will be able to upgrade some of their music to higher bitrate, DRM-free files for $0.30 each, we asked, will you be making the upgrade? Sixty four percent of the 3,951 readers who responded said, "Yes," and the remaining thirty six percent - 1,408 readers - said, "No."
A number of you commented that you would have selected "Some" if it had been an option, so take that into consideration when viewing our highly unscientific results. Personally, I won't be upgrading, as I'm not an audiophile and don't feel restricted by Fairplay. C'est la vie.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Swap full-screen Cover Flow and video in iTunes
Filed under: Video, Tips and tricks, iTunes
Here comes the community at Mac OS X Hints with yet another cool trick which, in this case, should help us waste just a little more time in iTunes 7.1.1. I specify that latest version because this hint concerns Cover Flow's new found ability to run in full-screen mode: as it turns out, you can command-tab between a full-screen video and Cover Flow. This is enabled by the apparent fact that that cmd-tab doesn't toggle Mac OS X's app switcher when in iTunes is full-screened; you have to hit Escape to get out of this environment for cmd-tab to get back to its normal duties. This is a slick, very eye candy feature that, in a way, I am surprised Apple didn't do at least a little bragging about with the latest iTunes update.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Ask TUAW: Bluetooth, 5.1 Audio, VNC, Adium with QS, and more
Filed under: Audio, Features, Hacks, How-tos, Productivity, Tips and tricks, Bluetooth, Troubleshooting, Terminal Tips, Ask TUAW
This week's Ask TUAW takes us into questions about Bluetooth File Exchange, 5.1 audio, VNC, getting Adium and Quicksilver working together, EVDO, automated file management based on label color, and more. As always, please leave your own comments, and ask more questions for next week either in the comments to this post or using the tip form. Now let's get to it
Continue reading Ask TUAW: Bluetooth, 5.1 Audio, VNC, Adium with QS, and more
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Apple drops Cinema Display prices
If you're going to be buying on of those new Mac Pros, you're going to want to get snazzy monitor to get with it. And who makes the snazziest monitors around? That's right, Apple! Luckily, Apple dropped the prices of their monitors across the board. The 20-inch and 23-inch displays got a price cut of $100 (making them $599 and $899 respectively) while the monster 30-incher sheds 200 bucks for its price to retail for $1799.
All of this has me wondering what will be announced on the 15th at NAB.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Apple unleashes 8-core and quad-core Mac Pro
Filed under: Hardware
After a very brief bit of downtime for the store, Apple whipped out the big guns this morning: quad-core and 8-core Xeon workstations. The quad-cores are two dual-core "Woodcrest" Xeons inside, in the 2.0GHz, 2.66GHz, or 3.0GHz flavors. The 8-core monster is a duo of "Clovertown" Quad-core Xeon's-- and you only get it in 3 GHz. Naturally there are a zillion* options to go along with all this hot'n'steamy power, but the cores make the Mac, as they say.
*actually 33 million configurations, according to Apple's product page.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Widget Watch: kuler
Filed under: Widget Watch
kuler is a neat online application from Adobe that allows you to create, and share, color schemes online. This is a boon for someone like me, who has trouble dressing himself let alone figuring out what color combos will look good on a website.
Recenlty Adobe added the ability to subscribe to RSS feeds of popular schemes. While that's cool, it isn't really all that interesting until, that is, Adobe created a widget that lets you see combos on Dashboard. Now, the perfect color scheme for that Apple blog you've been thinking about starting is just a keystroke away!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Apple Store (US) is down
While browsing our favorite websites this morning, we noticed that the US online Apple Store is down (as of 7:30 AM Eastern, at least). Perhaps we're going to see those
rumored quad core Mac Pros this morning*. Or maybe, just maybe, it's server maintenance that will result in no changes to the store whatsoever! Hooray!
So, are any stores outside the US down as well? Let us know.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
*Make that 8 core!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Dock your iPod to your Sony BRAVIA system
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
Sony just added the Digital Media Port iPod(R) DockTDM-IP1 to their store for pre-order. This $100 iPod dock lets you hook up any Dock connector iPod to your Sony BRAVIA home theater system or audio receiver. It'll even charge the iPod for you. Sadly, that seems about all that it does. It does look kinda cool though, and you have to admit that the name just rolls off the tongue. Oh, Sony, will you ever learn?
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