
b8ikm4rfv.samecoleg.freshapplenews@blogger.com Wha_t is your lifeti+me go_al? Is i't restor-ing your po,tency! Oh, ma+n it's *easy as A-B-C! At -what, age did you* lose your po-tenc,y? It is never to'o l.ate to rest+ore it wit,h our medicine'! While as.thma ,symptoms can -begin at any .age', most children ha've t+heir first sy_mptoms by 5. .Not +every asth.ma medication+ is equally _effective., R.ead all the 'informati,on about you'r drug! *Myth: Alcoh+ol use causes e.rec.tile problems.. Many po_or people sti'll blame alco.hol for i_mpote+nce. Pain medi.cines are als.o 'called analgesic's. Ev+ery type of pain *me-dicine has ben_efits+ and risks. You sho+uld n+ot be afraid, of ,pain relief d*rugs but you s*houl'd take the.m responsi.bly, remember!- Almost .30 millio,n prescriptions ,ar+e written each _year for chole_st,erol lowering, drugs, man.- Inflam.mation, mucus p-roduction,' & *muscle constrict,ion shrink* the* airways if you +hav_e asthma. If+ you have' been prescribed t'o +take painkillers *you_'d better* read as much liter,ature a,s you can. Dr+asti-c and unre.alistic. diet & behav-ior changes,+ like cra,sh diets can se'riou-sly damage your. h+ealth! If your p_ain improves*, you c.an sometimes. be p,rescribed a+ milder *painkiller, than you take. O'besity incr_eases yo.ur r_isk of develo-ping hig-h blood pressu,re & canc-er of th'e breast,, prostate.. It's time t'o buy the item_s from +your wish. list – *discount se,ason arrive.d at your doo+rway! The ma.jorit-y of well,-known and po.pular 'over-the-counter- and pre+scripti+on allergy med,ication! C.holesterol h-elps +your body bu,ild cells,, insulate n.erves, &* produce hor+mone+s. Read mo-re… Risk factor_s for 'allergy ar'e numerous & y,ou won't b_e able to pr'otec*t yourself fr+om eve_rything! Ne-gative nerve im'pul*ses origin+ating in the+ brain often caus.e erec+tile dysfuncti'on i,n adult men. Y,ou shou-ld not be afra-id +of pain reli_ef drugs but y,ou sh'ould take +them respon+sibly, remembe'r! P_roper use o*f antibiotic+s can stop infe'ction _and save 'lives, but you_ should .be ver_y carefu*l! I don't .need to be a ,doctor to tel_l you what i*mpot'ence treatm.ent is_ the most effect,ive 'one! There is' a wide lis*t of hereditary, facto+rs tha.t determine yo_ur he_alth. Is your aller-gy gene,tic? Eat'ing heal_thier prod*ucts with sma'ller ca*lorie intake is_ vital t,o overcomi-ng obesity+ & getting +slim. If a ma.n experie*nc'es fear, he may g,et an erecti+on, w_hich is n,ot due to s-exual arousal +or pleasu_re. D.on't wait for +pain to come ,bac+k before t'aking your painki-ller. or you may b'e in pa.in in vain.. Absolutely new' e,dge of bre.athtaking sex is 'open- for you with th_e help ,of our ,brand new .drug! In. most cases, effec_tive anti+bio+tics either' kill bacter-ia or c*ause them to_ cease in+ growth. Teen+agers often, use painki,llers to +get high, to p_arty, ,to escape- realit'y or to reliev*e boredom. I+ know nothi'ng, about the 'ingredients that .are +included +into this an*tibiotic, but i't real-ly works! Toba*cco a,nd alcohol ab,use can da.mage blood ve.ssels or. re_strict blood fl.ow to you*r penis. .Expensiv_e & revolut-ionary al.lergy treatment! ,Our reg_ular customers- have to p'ay +only 70%-. With today,'s treat'ments, most peopl+e who hav*e asthma a.re a-ble to manag+e the disease. I't's time to. refi+ll your home- medicine ch'est with* super-pow*erful im.potence t-reatment! Wh*en given+ antibio*tics, take* them exactly as -pr+escribed. Not ,more, -but not les_s as well_! We have nev'er sold any of o-ur_ medicati,ons cheaper 'than we sel_l this a,mazing antibioti*c now! I kn.ow how_ to boo,st your s*exual performance* and never _let it *disappear for*ever!+ Your a*ge, activi-ty, genes .and psychologic,al makeu*p determine your, predispo_sit'ion to extra weigh-t! *Asthma is now t+he most co'mmon chr-onic ill.ness in childr'en, *affecting one i-n every 1-5. There's n_o such- thing _as free lunch! You 'have 'to pay 10% -for most+ effective m-edicat.ion! Did you k*now that .the number of o'bes-e childr-en has near_ly doubled over +the past 2.0 years. Une_mployment- and impote,nce- problems are ,major c+auses of d-epression and. suic.ide in men. +If you -fight with seve.re obe'sity with cra_sh dieting you_ should be, ready t*o regain w_eight v.ery soon. If a m,an e,xperiences fear', h-e may get an erect'ion, +which is .not due to- sexual arou_sal or. pleasure,. Bacterial res,istan_ce to antibiotic_s is pr,oduced by chan.ges in _the bacterium's. muta,tions. Do yo'u have an-y problems ,with_ sex? They a+ll can be *solved forever w_ith one, single .pill of… .Allergy can ta*ke you all b'y surpr.ise all o.f a sud+den even when y+ou are *driving a ca+r! Take ca*re! Self-manag+ing asth,ma day t,o day- is important 'to breathe we,ll, stay a+ctive, and l-ive _normal life. _A varie,ty of things c*an affec.t cholest-erol levels. Th+ese a're thin+gs you can do for ,y_our health! Our' culture foste.rs the te,nden'cy toward obe.sity: the ,foods th-at cost l*ess ofte.n are the he.aviest. A, research shows th-at, cer.tain factor.s may caus+e the chang-es in appet_i.te and fat metab*olis*m. Cholesterol l+owering is. vital for ev'eryon'e: kid-s & adults; women &* men._ Take good car*e! Littl.e kids .with se'rious diseases, - it is very, sad, but i,t o.ften happens. T,ry new allerg.y re_lief. Maintain_ing a_ healthy choleste.rol level* hel_p protect you ag.ain+st cancer, accor.ding to a* study. I-mpotence- should have .never o,ccurred+ in your bedroom._ Learn what -to do i-f it di+d occur. If yo.u take, medicine' late you m-ay be in pain wh-ile the _painkil_ler is abs_orbed and st-arts* to work. Heart di-seas.e is the number* 1 -killer of w.omen and men* in the United S-tates. D_id you k,now? A fairly+ co_mprehensive l,ist of alt,ernative te*sts and the*rapies for +food allerg-ies. Find+ out more no-w! Depr'ession, bo,redo-m and other reaso.ns often for_ce people .to overea't an'd therefore g,ain weight! ,If you ,have extra+ weight yo*u are at risk' of. serious health _problems +that may .occur due* to obe+sity. Your bloo+d cho+lesterol le+vel has a lot to d_o_ with your -chances of, getting heart d+isease... m'ore+ You cannot outg-row asthma.* The sympto*ms-, however, may- reoccur any'time in a'dulthood+. Many painki'llers -can cause a,ddicti.on, so it's* important to foll'ow the +instruct'ions caref-ully. Rea*d more about co.mmon allerg,en's & how to prevent_ -these from trig+gering a,sthma symptoms.* Heart dis_ease is t'he number '1 killer o*f women a*nd men in t*he United S.tates. 'Did y-ou know? Rece,nt rese,arch finds that _use of h'igh-dose opioid's does n_ot signific'antly incre*a.se risk of de+ath. If you su.ddenl.y faces impote-nce, don',t panic, slo+w d_own and go ,back to foreplay., It 'may work!- I hope yo*u are not t.hat stupid' to try *treating viral infe-ct_ions with a,ntibioti,cs? It doesn'-t work! -We need cholester-ol, b*ut too .much of it ca-n incre-ase our risk *of developing +heart dis,ease. *People all ove,r the United* Stat-es are ov,erweight or ob.ese, and -at leas+t 1 in 5 of -them a+re children. Erect-il'e dysfunction m,ay be- caused by physica-l fact'ors, psyc+hologic.al factors or by' medic,ations. 90% *of food al-lergy re.actions are cau+sed by 8 foo'ds: milk,+ soy,, eggs, wheat, p-eanut-s, tree nu-ts, … S'tudies show _that persistent _pain cause+s+ changes in th'e brain a'nd spinal- cord causing mo*re pain. I+f it is y-ou who -depend on ,seasonal alle+rgy than it* is h_igh time for yo'u t-o try out our new .drug! If *painkille.rs are abuse_d _for a period* of time, a per.son can be*come addic_ted to th_e medic_ation. Le.arn more about +adult_-onset asthma+ and how y.ou can+ treat th*e symptom.s to breathe easil+y. In deve*lope_d countries-, antib*iotics are the 2n-d mo-st widely u-sed class of drug*s a-fter analgesics. +S,tudies show that p-ersiste.nt pa+in causes +changes in the *brain a.nd spinal cord- causing more. pain. Obe-sity's pr.oba*bly the only di,sease +that can be cause-d by nega,tive emoti+ons only.. Be_ very carefu,l! Penicillin- is a comm-on cause *of drug allerg,y. Reacti,ons to pe'nicillin ca,use 400. deaths a year.* Why' doesn't m.y asthma in*haler work? -What i-nhaler is +the best one to c'hoose?+ Learn now! A*sth_matics having sev.ere .or near-fatal ast-hma attack.s are like-ly to ha-ve fatal ast-hma at+tacks. Som_e people stay _on the' same ,dose of p'ainkillers for. many mo+nths and the drug' is_ still effective.- In mo*st cases,' effecti-ve antibiotic,s eith-er kill b*acteria or caus-e them t_o cease- in growth., It's not 'clear, thoug.h possib+le, that o,verusing dru*gs increa,ses the ris.k of a fatal' asthma attac'k.' We want you, to take control .of your *asth*ma symptoms and li,ve an act'ive li-fe. Help us 'now! A res,earch shows. that, c-ertain factor.s ma*y cause the* changes in_ appeti-te and fat- metabolism. H-igh choleste_rol *can increase yo+ur chance ,of hav,ing heart- disease. Think w.ha.t you eat, man!. Attention! Co-ntinued us,e of _antibio+tics can serio'usly disr,upt the normal+ eco'logy of the body._ Choleste'rol +risk factor is a+ conditi'on that in-creases your -chanc_e of gett'ing a heart dise,ase. Toda*y when+ obesi-ty is on the ris-e thr*oughout the *world you s+hould be att-entive to *what +you eat. Peo.ple tend +to overeat *all the t.ime and fina*lly many of *them becom,e obese. +Is it+ your path as w-ell? A_sthma causes recur+ring p_eriods of .wheez,ing, shortness of* br,eath, and c_hest tightn*ess. This_ offer wil.l change your wh.ole life! I-t will brin+g harmony -and sex i+nto your ,fami'ly life! The -liver makes al+l _the cholesterol t*he body need+s. B-ut it also e+nters your bo.dy from, foods. It's+ always- bette.r to be wel*l-informed about t_he medic_ation you t.ak'e in order to- avoid misuse. *Between 35 *and +50 percent of, men wi+th diabetes e.xperie-nce erect-ile dysfunct'ion. Take good_ care! Obes'ity _means not only 'looking b-ad and 'being fat, i.t bears r,isk of many d'angerous dis.e,ases. One bac.terium w-ith a mutatio,n can sur*vive the, antibiot+ic and reproduces m*illions m,ore._ Your risk o.f high ch-olestero_l increases *if a mother or- sister wa_s affected *by 'heart disease. A'fter I s-tarted taki.ng the_se tine _pills on the r,egular basis I+ have sex +when and. how. I want! M'any of painkillin_g drugs ca.n ca+use mild side effe-cts, .such as c.onstipati.on and dry mouth+. Tell me, 'what -is the+ reason to take _antibioti+cs if th+ey cannot_ treat your vir_al i+nfection ,at all? It _can be helpful *to kno*w some facts +about* painkilling drugs +when* you are startin-g to take .them.. Read mo+re about+ common aller-gens & how to pr,ev_ent these fro_m trigg.ering asthma _symptom+s. Every man wa_nts to h'ave ulti*mate sexual pow'er as l*ong as pos_sible. But l-ife *is tricky! Men of'ten develop- erections' in non-se.xual situa*tions.+ For exa_mple when* sleeping.+ Try to u*se it! Chol_esterol risk ,factor is a c'ondition -that inc,reases your c'hance o'f gettin.g a heart diseas-e. Sat_urated fa+t and cholester,ol in- the food you e,at ma'ke your blood ch+olesterol* level _go up!-!! For some m.en alc.ohol use can re-duce anxi*ety and actua-lly cause p+roblems w,ith having 'erections*. When, you eat foods. with lots +of fat- or ch-olesterol,, you can have too -m_uch of it in -your blood.* Antib,iotics will not cu-re viral. illnesses, s*uc_h as: col'd, stomach f-lu and some ea+r infect_ions! Here ar.e the +most common cau.ses of 'obesi.ty: genetics, illne+ss, psyc*hology_ and lifesty+le habit+s. Quit+e often women over ,the age of, 55 tend .to* have highe_r blood cholest+erol leve.ls than, men. Asthma is *characteri,zed by *bronchial tub'es inflamma.tion. L-earn ho-w to prevent' the di.sease! Even s_econdhand _smoke -is associa-ted with an 'increase in_ bronch*itis, sinusiti_s, and as,thma. Effectiv_e *natural remedies fo'r asthma f-ocu,s upon unders_tanding root _cause.s of the d*isease. 'Some people st+ay on 'the same do*se of painkiller.s for m.any months and_ t.he drug is still -effect+ive. It is p+ossible to re'act to a ,food, without being* allerg+ic. Make sure* you -have some medic+ations! _I heard_, men can also 'be with a- partner and .have an -erection with-out thin_king -sexual thoughts._ H_ave you suffered_ with asthma .for+ a while? Le-arn mor'e about this 'breathing pro-blem. The -lif'e expectancy for m*ild _asthmatic_s is the ,same as for tho.se who do +not hav+e asthma. 'One of t*he most com'mon aller-gy causes is -hereditar,y factor! Check 'your famil'y his_tory now! Ch'olesterol can' bu.ild up on the ,inside the blo*od v'essels of+ your hea+rt. That's _no way health*y! Is pe_anut du_st on airplanes* and fro-m open bags of .peanuts r_eally a's danger'ous as the pre,ss c-laims? False posit_ive result_s of 'food allergy_ skin tests ca.n lead -to unn,ecessary die+tary res,trictions & dru'gs. Te'll your d+octor abo_ut all the sid.e effects y'ou observe wh_en tak+ing prescripti'on pa-inkillers*. Cholesterol+ levels in ch*ildren ar.e l'inked to three .risk factor*s: here+dity, diet a,nd obesity.+ Antibioti+cs are co*mmonly pres+cribed, for respi-ratory ,infections', but they are caus'ed by viru.ses. +Men suffering- fro*m depression are m+ore likely- t_o be given. custodial sentenc_es- than women'. Whether yo-u decide to h.ave weig+ht loss s.urgery o_r not, unde*rstanding- your condit'ion is vital. .The am,ount of yo+ur body fa-t depends o+n your eatin.g mode & you-r family, histor_y. Beware of f'ood.! High bl-ood cholesterol is _on-e of the major ri*sk fact'ors for *heart disease. *Lear.n more now!_ Diseas+es associated wit_h in_creased risk of_ erectile dy+sfunction ,incl,ude diab,etes & kidney disea,s_e. When ast+hma symptom,s get mor'e intense and/o'r add+itional s.ymptoms appear, thi.s is an *attack.' Over the -past 20 years_, the numbe+r of over+wei_ght children* has increased b+y mor.e than +50 %. Getting sli+mmer has* become* the only goal_ in the life* o+f my daughter a,nd I am read'y to hel+p her in i*t! It, is a common m'yth that a_ child' will outgrow his a'sthma. Ne'ver stop _your c,ourse of medici+ne! W,hat are opioi'ds? Opioid-s ar-e drugs that contai*n opium+ or are deriv_ed ,from and .imitate opium. Exp*osure t'o cig*arette smoke an,d other- pollutants is a. st.rong indica_tor of -increased all*ergy risk.. It is true t+hat ,consuming too m-uch alcohol c-an affect +a man,'s ability 'to get & maint+ain e,rection. One siz+e fit.s all does no.t app,ly to painkil_lers. Nev.er share *your pre,scription+ drug with+ anyone. Ex_ercising +in dry, cold air m-ay be a -trigger for 'asthma in p-eople. +Take care o*f your +health! T'heophylline ha,s been u,sed for s.ome asthm,atics in the p*ast but i-s not used a+s often an'ym*ore. Pain relief m*edica,tions as any ot,her drug a-re aimed at_ impro-ving you.r life and condi.tion. Man-y -people believe+ that they sh-ould only .get h.elp when the pa.in i-s becoming unbear+able. I+ know what+ you ne,ed to sto,p impotence- playing dirty. trick-s on your 'sexual lif.e, dude! Toda.y the era of u,ltimate_ mas*culine performan.ce begins!+ Discover- the new m_edicat,ion! Our spec_ial gu*est, Dr. Kr*euzlange will te_ll you ever_ythin-g about' impotence in- men! It's a ,well--known fact tha,t older adult-s wh.o suffer .from asthma ,have poorer lun*g 'function. ,Man, severe obesi.ty +can be conqu-ered with some l.ess *dramatic meas.ures than we.ight-lo*ss surgery! 'The dose o-f paink,iller you ,are taki_ng should be e_nough to c*ontro'l pain until *the next dose. Zofran (o+nda-nsetron) ,Synthroid (L.evothyroxine,' Eltr-oxin, Evotrox, T_hyrax, E_uthyrox,' Levax+in, L-thyroxine,- Thyrox, Euti+ro+x, Levoxyl, levot.hr,oid) Suprax — Ant'ibiotic., Bacterial In_fections, _Pn.eumonia, Bronchiti-s, Gonor*rhea. Silagra (,Sildenafil, Citrate) l.umigan sito,sterolemia ni-vaquine *Herpes Zoster m*erid.ia solife*nacin pherom-one cologne for' men Roga_ine (.Minoxidil,, Regaine) Parl+odel (Br_omocrip+tine) Prem_enstrual Dy*sphoric Disord+er hyperten.sion er_ythema mul'tiforme degan+ -Eurax (cro+tamiton) Run*ny Nose *Zovirax (Ac*yclovir, Ac'iclovir, -Cyclovir, ,Herpex, Acivir, Z,ovira'x, Zovir) entoc,ort -Imitrex Nas+al Spray (s-imatriptan)' Cefad*roxil — _Infections, Anti'biotic, Stre*p Throat D'rug A,ddiction+ yagara (h_erbal viagra)_ Gastri,c Ulcers fert_ility loxapin'e hystere.ctomy *contramal bowel. infla,mmation +Aspiration Pneum-onia Zyvo.x [zyvox] (L_inezolid) - anas+trozole sim-vador) malia+quine Join+t Swelling P+enis Growth+ Oil — Pe.nis .Enlargement Det*rol [detro.l] (To*lterodine Tabl,ets)' Care-O-Pet —* Pets, D-ogs, Pain, Ana*lgesic, Oste,oarthritis +clar-avis Viagra Pr*ofessio'nal (Sildena_fil citrate,' viagra-) Gon+orrhea hypo_natremia Frontie-r (Fro+ntline) 22-,44 lbs (f,rontline, f+ipronil) -takepron licab .Pulmic_ort (bud+esonide,* Entocort, P+ulmicort) Bayer, ASA' Aspirin .— Fever, Pain, +Headache, Pre*ve,ntion Of Heart- Attack, In,flammation. Gasex [gase+x] anxi.ety Ob'sessive-Co'mpulsive Di.sorder caffei*ne Kamagra Ef+fervesce-nt [kamagr'aeffervescen't] (sil+denafil citr-ate, viagra)* joi'nt pain regaine h,erbolax .xepin omepr,azo-le sodium. bicarbonate cap'sule,s Antidepressant .atrov,ent birth con_trol Vitami*n B Complex *— Vi-tamin Gud+uchi Acro'megaly transcam Ba'cterial+ Infect.ions Peripher-al Vascular D+iseas-e lorata.dine O Ofloxaci*n — Bac.terial _Infections, Antib*iotic, Bron+chitis, Pne_umonia, *Urethri'tis, Cervic,itis,* Pelvic Infl-ammatory -Disease, Cystitis', Pr'ostatitis, Gonorr+he-a Dexameth-asone — Allergy*, Asth_ma, Atopic De_rmatit.is, Allergic Rhi*nitis narol *camcolit, chr'omomycosis -adhesive c.apsulitis en+larged_ prostate Front*ier (Fro,ntline) 22--44 lbs [fro.ntier]- (frontline, fip+ronil) F,emale Rx Plu.s Oil sy'mbico'rt Lodine — Ost,eoarthr*itis, Rheumatoi*d Arthrit,is, Pain, Jo.int Pain .preven*tion of hea'rt attack .A Abana He'artCare Benicar, [ben'icar] (-Olmesartan Me*doxomil, Olme*tec') vasoflex Cozaar [,cozaar] (L*osartan) *miglitol. Vermox — Pin-w'orms, Whipworms', Roundworm.s, Hookworm_s, Tapeworms_, Worm_ Infestatio,ns blast-omycos*is Caverta (Viagr.a, Sildena,fil C,itrate) and.rostenone Ya+z (Crisanta. LS) (dros-pirenone, .ethinyl estra_diol) At'rov'ent — Bronchitis+, Emphysema,, Bronchospa_sm, C+OPD rimacid Pa.rlodel —* Hyperprolac,tinemia, A.cromegaly,* Parkinson',s Dis_ease, Amenorrh*ea, G,alactorrhea,+ Hypogon+adism Hemodyna*mically-Unst*able' Ventricula-r Tachycardi+a Fem+ale RX Pl_us Liquid — Sex To,nic, Sexu,al Boost, -Aphrodisi+ac, Decrease-d L-ibido Sinequan —_ Antid-epressant, Dep-ression., Anxie-ty Disorder, Ins-omnia, Alle.rgic Rhin*itis*, Peptic Ulcer GE'RD FMF Eu-rax [eura_x] (c_rotamiton) Eff+exor (Venlafax_ine, E.fexor) Colc*hici-ne (Artrichine, *Cochi-c, Colchicin Age*pha,' Colchicina Lirca', Colchi.cina Phoenix,, Colchici_ne Houde, C-ol.chicum-Dispert, 'Col*chily, Colch'imedio, Co,lchiquim, Colchi.s, Co-lchisol, C-olchysa't Burger, Co.lcine, C+olgout, Coni*cine, Goutichi*ne, ,Goutnil, Kolkisin, 'Pro+chic, R) , septilin da-lacin Folic_ Acid (Vi-tamin B9) (fol-acin) q-uinate, bipolar depr.ession Spem'an [sp,eman] Bayer ASA Asp+irin_ [bayera,spirin] (Acetyls_alicy_lic Acid, ASA') Pemphigoid -dural ect-asi_a Amantadi'ne — Influenza A V-iru_s, Parkinson's 'Disease*, Parkin'sonism, Extrapyram'idal React*i+ons Sumenta [sumen_ta]+ Abnormal M_enstruati-on naltrexon+e Isosorbide Mo_non.itrate ( Imdu.r, Ismo, Mon-oket) cl,ofrani+l tendinitis Gall'stones He,artz (_Small Dogs) .Lanoxin ,— Congestive ,Heart Failu,re, Chro,nic Atrial Fi,b'rillation, A+rrhythmia,_ Irregular ,Heart Rhythm Ovr,al G ,(Norgestrel, E,thiny'loestrad,iol) Cialis _Jelly Nymp.homax ap,o-hydro Benadry+l (di'phenhydramine,* aler.-cap, aler-dryl,. al'er-tab, al+lermax, altar-yl, anti-,hist, banophe.n, b_en-tann, compoz+, de.rmamycin, d*iphen, diph+enhist, dytan,, genahi.st, hista,prin, hydramin,e, nytol, +siladryl,, silphen, s,leepinal, so.minex,' unisom, twili.te, alle.rdryl,_ alle) voltarol* rap-id estrace es'tradi+ol ebixa Abno*rmal Menstruat+ion Antif*ungal R.umalaya (arthri-tis, pain)- ,takepron clomiphen+e Zocor (S+im,vastatin, Si*mlup, Simcardis-, R-anzolont, Simvador-)) azmacor.t Zome,ta (zoledron+ic acid) _eating. disorder P+yoderma G'angrenosum cefas-un bi,soprolo,l Janumet [janumet-] (sitagl*ipti.n, metfor'min) orung,al finalo F.olic Acid (Vitamin* B9) 'lukol kolkisi'n Chl,oramphenicol (Vet,icol, Alfi.ce'tyn, Amphicol,, Biomic.in, Chlornitromy*cin,_ Chloromycetin,* Fenicol,' Laevomyceti+n, P+henicol, Me-dicom, Nev_imycin, Ver+nacetin)+ avita Femini_ne Power