Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Apple Blog (7 сообщений)

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The Apple Blog, published by and for the day-to-day Apple user, is a prominent source for news, reviews, walkthroughs, and real life application of all Apple products.
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  • Microsoft to Give Seinfeld the Axe

    CrunchGear is reporting that after only 2 commercials, Microsoft is giving Jerry Seinfeld the boot.

    The general consensus on the two ads that have shown has overwhelmingly been that people just straight out don’t get them. Both ads mention next to nothing about Microsoft or Windows.

    It’s reported that Microsoft will make an announcement shortly about this change but will make it seem as though it were the plan all along. That is, of course, unless blogs and news outlets around the world beat them to the punch and call them out on it.

    The obvious assumption here is that the ads just didn’t ever catch on and were proving to be a waste of money. But for a company like Microsoft, a few hundred million here and there seems a bit like pocket change. My guess is that the ads could very well have been having a negative impact on Microsoft with viewers possibly equating confusion to the Microsoft brand. The exact reasoning is anyone’s guess and I doubt Microsoft would ever divulge such information.

    I really was hoping to see this series of ads through to see if there was, in fact, some grand ending to it all…but alas we shall not.


  • Mac 101: Create Zip Files

    Before converting to Mac I ran Windows, which to my knowledge, has no built-in capability to create zip files forcing users to download and install a third party application. After converting to Mac it took me several years to realize that OS X had the built-in functionality to create zip files, which delighted me!

    To create a zip file in OS X (Tiger or Leopard):

    1. Right click on the file or folder you would like to zip
    2. Select “Compress … ” or in Tiger “Create an Archive of …”

    Creating zips is great if you heavily rely on email for your main form of communication; instead of attaching several documents to an email I make a new folder, name it properly, drop in all of my files, and zip it. Then I log into my favorite email client and attach the one zipped file instead of several single files, which saves me time and is easier for both me, the sender, and the receiver who now only has to download one file.


  • Mobilize '08 Coverage

    Just a quick heads up that tomorrow we will be providing coverage of the Mobilize Conference in San Francisco.

    There will be a couple of cool iPhone specific companies presenting as well as almost a dozen other mobile companies. Hopefully we’ll be able to bring you guys some breaking news on new apps!

    I’m really excited about Tapulous being there. Tap Tap Revenge has got to be one of the best games available on the iPhone/iPod touch.

    If you’ll be at Mobilize ‘08, let me know in the comments and we can have a big TAB shindig.


  • Daily Apple: iTunes, iPhone, Chrome, & Anniversaries

    Get iTunes 7’s Album View back in iTunes 8 - Think the album view from iTunes 7 is gone? Think again.

    iPhoneModem - If you’re the jailbreaking type and want to share your iPhone’s internet connection with your computer, check this out. This unsupported app will set you back $10.

    Remote 1.1 Released - Use your iPhone/iPod touch to control iTunes and AppleTV. This update includes the ability to create Genius playlists as well as create and edit regular playlists in iTunes.

    Google’s Chrome ported to Mac by CrossOver - Itching to try out Google’s Chrome browser? Well, if you want an official Google version you’ll have to wait. But if you’re the alpha-type, check out Chromium…a Mac and Linux port of Google’s Chrome browser.

    Happy Anniversary, Steve! - On September 16, 1985 Jobs resigned from his position at Apple. On September 16, 1997 he reclaimed that position. Happy 11th year of giving Apple another go, Steve!


  • VMWare Releases Fusion 2.0

    Yesterday, VMWare released Fusion 2.0 as a major update to their virtualization software. It’s a free, downloadable upgrade for any VMWare Fusion 1.x customer, and it packs some great new stuff.

    The update adds over 100 new features:

    • The UI is dramatically improved, with lots of nice little touches like a welcome screen and coverflow support for the Finder.
    • Automated snapshots, letting you set up custom recurring snapshots and how many to keep in the archive.
    • Twelve-month complimentary subscription to McAfee VirusScan Plus security software for Windows XP and Vista
    • DirectX 9.0c with Shader Model 2 3D graphics, and 1080p HD video playback
    • And the big one: Mac OS X Leopard Server support. Hurrah!
    • Better Unity Support with Unity 2.0, Application Sharing, Link Handling, Mirrored Folders and Driverless Printing

    There are more features of course, but those are the highlights.

    VMWare Fusion is such an important application for the Mac. Just a week or two ago, a buddy of mine and I were chatting with a Windows user friend of ours (yes, we can have Windows-using friends!) the other day, and he was asking about running Windows on an intel Mac. We asked him if he had ever seen it done. He said no, so we fired up Fusion. It worked so well that he could hardly believe it. The experience is so seamless, especially with Unity mode. Applications like Parallels and Fusion are one of the biggest selling points of the Mac for converts. These new additions make the experience that much better.

    VMWare Fusion retails for $79.99, but version 2.0 is a free update for any 1.x user. The price is worth it, but if you’re still not convinced, pick up the 30 day trial.


  • Set Your iPhone On Fire With Sonic Lighter

    Today, Smule released a really cool (or hot, if you want to be go that route) app for the iPhone called Sonic Lighter.

    Sonic Lighter is an iPhone-only app (sorry iPod touch users), that makes use of the accelerometer and sound to affect the flame it shows. Simply flick the flints on the screen to light the flame and then turn the iPhone from side to side to see how the flame reacts. Turn it too far and it will digitally burn the side of the screen…how 21st century. You can even run your finger through the flame and it will react accordingly. To put the flame out you just blow in to the microphone and it puts it right out.


  • Second Seinfeld Microsoft Ad Airs; What?

    So when the first ad featuring Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates aired, I was mildly confused and more than anything really wanted to give it a chance. But this evening Microsoft aired the second ad in the series and now I’m really just flat out baffled by Microsoft’s decisions with this ad campaign.

    This particular ad has a full-length four and half minute version (below), and in keeping with the theme from the first ad, mere 5 seconds of the 270 available are used to mention anything about Microsoft or Windows.

    Microsoft, bail out now before you confuse people even more.


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