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- Speed Up Your
Filed under: iLife, Tips and tricks, Odds and ends
The guru of all things, Tim Gaden at Hawk Wings, has posted a tip that seems to offer a considerable speed boost to Mail. Basically performing the tip strips the "bloat out of [Mail's] Envelope index, an SQLite database Mail uses to store senders, recipients, subjects and so on." It requires a little bit of terminal jockeying, but this is limited to running one command using sqlite3. Tim himself reports considerable speed gains, as do many in the comments. As always, backing up before attempting such things seems like a good idea, but quite a few people have performed the trick without adverse results. Check it out for yourself over at Hawk Wings.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - Spotlaser: Reinterface with Spotlight
Filed under: Software, Cool tools, Freeware
Several folks in our most recent Ask TUAW post were complaining about Spotlight's interface, so it's rather serendipitous that today I ran across Spotlaser. This app provides a much more useful search interface to Spotlight by making it easier both to run searches by allowing boolean operators (e.g. AND, OR, NOT), wildcards, and more. And even better, the results are displayed as a Smart Folder in a Finder window (above) rather than Spotlight's default, hard-to-use list. For those of you fed up with trying to use Spotlight, give Spotlaser a whirl and see if it makes your searching go better.
Spotlaser is a free download, but the developer requests donations.
[Via MacApper]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iTunes: Free Thursday
Welcome to this Thursday freebies update for iTunes. Not much to report today other than the Japanese Single of the Week and that the Australian and New Zealand singles seem finally to be working properly. If you delayed your download earlier in the week, now's a great time to revisit the store.
Japan 今週のシングル: Shade by Supe
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無料でお試し頂ける今週のシングルは、Kihiro(Vo.)、ARI(G.)、takeshi(G.)、Toru(Ba.)、RyoZ(Dr.) による Supe。2000年に東京で結成した彼らはアメリカツアーをきっかけに海外へネットワークを広げ、現在はカリフォルニアのロングビーチを拠点に活動している。壮大なバンドサウンドと揺るぎないヴォーカルのシャウト。Red Hot Chili Peppers、TOOL で知られるプロデューサー、シルヴィアo.マッセイが彼らのアルバムを手掛けているのも納得、ジャパニーズ魂を秘めたフルスケールのアメリカンロックがここに実現!Комментарии к сообщению: - Dixie Chicks, Commentaries, and Bonus items in iTunes
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Video, iTunes
Here's the thing. iTunes is rotten at video extras and it totally rocks at music ones. I recently bought a DVD of Cars. It had Easter eggs and it had bonus features. So do a lot of my other DVDs, which unlike Cars add commentaries into the mix as well. So I handbraked the DVD and my iPod has the movie, the alternate scenes, and a sweet copy of One Man Band.
Sure, I can download a movie from the iTunes store but I don't get any of these goodies when I do so. Nor can I pay a little more to access them. Yes, there are plenty of great podcast features but they have little or nothing to do with the content that gets packed onto those DVDs.
But music? iTunes is full of bonus tracks, album-only tracks and iTunes exclusive tracks. The other day, a new exclusive single from the Dixie Chicks[1] popped onto my iTunes radar and I immediately bought and downloaded their new "The Neighbor" single and loaded it onto my iPod. A win for me, and a win for the music industry.
So when will we see the same thing happen for movies and TV shows[2]? Why aren't those fabulous Heroes commentaries available for sale at the iTunes store? Frankly, I'm sick and tired of listening to that Mark Whatever guy talk about living in his Nissan. I'd rather pay for the privilege than have to deal with the stutters, breaks, rebuffering and endless Nissan commercials. (And, contrary to all intentions, I'm pretty certain that after all the NBC/Nissan barrage that I will never buy a Nissan car. Ever.)
It doesn't make any sense to me that these items are being held back from the market--especially when there's a consumer base willing to pay a little extra for them. After all, it's not as if iTunes is a threat to DVD sales. When you think about the lower-quality video, the DRM and all the other inconveniences, iTunes weighs out as more of a luxury impulse item than a true competitor.
I paid my dollar for my Chicks track. When will I be able to pay a dollar for my commentary video?
[1] I'm not red state. I'm not blue state. I'm purple. And I love their music.
[2] Admittedly, there's a little TV bonus content out there like this season-pass only OC featurette.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iPod Game FAQ
Filed under: Gaming, iPod Family
Apple recently posted an iPod Game FAQ to answer all your frequently asked (and not so frequently asked) questions about the iPod and its games. As you probably already knew, you need a 5G iPod or later to take advantage of the $4.99 games. You cannot, however, output the video to your TV as you play. And you can use localized game versions--change the iPod's language and the games will relocalize to that language. I hadn't realized that Vortex and Texas Hold'em were Apple in-house products. The rest (like Zuma, Tetris, and so on) are authored and supported by third-party companies.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iTunes use increased in 2006
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, iTunes
Macworld points to this report that claims that iTunes usage
Read | Permalink | Email this | Commentsnearly doubledgrew a lot in 2006. Growing by 47.5%, the number of unique Apple iTunes users outpaced the growth of RealPlayer (9.1%), QuickTime (8.7%) and Windows Media Player (2.0%). These numbers derive from Neilsen/NetRatings. One presumes that many of those installations relate directly to iPod sales. I expect the introduction of AppleTV (should it ever get around to shipping because darn it I am sick of waiting) to boost iTunes installation numbers as well.Комментарии к сообщению: - University of Virginia students give thumbs up to iPods
Filed under: iPod Family, Cult of Mac
Matt Deegan at the Daily Progress reports that 67% of UVa's 3000-plus first year students surveyed said they owned an iPod. Students apparently preferred their iPods to MTV and to working out according to that survey, which of course means that someone has to come forward and explain why this is very very bad and will lead to the collapse of western civilization. UVa sociology professor Allison Pugh obligingly worried that the iPod would take the place of pickup basketball games and freshman Cara Magoon went on record as preferring to listen to songs in her head because it's harder for iPod users to "think clearly when they are constantly plugged in." The remaining 67% were too busy having fun and enjoying their music to comment.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Listener-annotated audio with SpotDJ
Do you like the way that radio introduces music before you listen to a song? Do you miss that kind of personalized introduction in iTunes? SpotDJ offers a new way to bring the human warmth and information richness of radio intro spots into your iTunes listening experience.
To get started, you'll need to sign up for a SpotDJ account and then download either the Mac or Windows client. After installation, you launch the client and log into your SpotDJ account. The software automatically detects when you're listening to music in iTunes, and adds "spots" between tracks.
If the mood so takes you, you can join in the DJ club by recording your own spots and uploading them to SpotDJ. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the available spots I listened to. SpotDJ offers a star rating system for spots to help promote the better spots and DJs and to put limits on the bad ones.
This is Web 2.0 in all its glory. Social computing applied to iTunes.
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