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- Put iPhoto on a diet
Avid users of iPhoto who also count their megs and gigs typically notice that the darling iLife app can quickly gobble up a good chunk of the hard drive. One practice that is sure to help inflate the size of your library is editing images. As it turns out, whenever you make edits and save, iPhoto duplicates the image, creating a backup; hence the usefulness of that 'Revert to Original' option. One problem with this system is that all these duplicates can pile up fast if you're an avid iPhoto editor - but thanks to some simple instructions in this MacRumors forum thread, you can put iPhoto on a diet. If you don't want to read through all the posts, Adriaan Tijsseling, the developer of ecto, endo and 1001 (an excellent Flickr client), has whittled out the meat to help get you on your way. Adriaan's post contains the simple commands to run in Terminal (along with an explanation of what is going on) that will effectively remove all the original copies of any images you have edited in iPhoto. While this obviously means you'll lose the ability to use that 'Revert' option (in case you try it, you won't break iPhoto; it's just that nothing happens), this could be a useful trick for anyone trying to reclaim every last byte of free space.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
Комментарии к сообщению: - Desktops of the Week for 3/11 - 3/17/07
Filed under: Desktops, Features
Our TUAW Desktop of the Week is a triple play this time around, and we have a little bit of everything to show. The first of this week's three featured desktops is at the top of this post, and it hails from Flickr user jcsizmadi. We dig it both for the subtle style of icon organization and use of the iStat app, but also because the wallpaper is home-grown. Jcsizmadi runs, and this image is freely available in two different resolutions.Continue reading Desktops of the Week for 3/11 - 3/17/07
Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Secrets of the iTunes home page
Filed under: iTS
If you visit the iTunes store on a regular basis, you'll know that the iTunes home page is jam packed with shiny happy banners. These ads highlight just a few dozen of the songs, albums, TV shows, and movies available to iTunes shoppers. And to have a product blessed by front-page placement is practically a guaranteed jump in sales. An album featured on the iTunes home page may sell five times more copies in a week than it will in a month without that promotion according to a recent Wall Street Journal Online article by Nick Wingfield and Ethan Smith. So who gets on the front page and how?
It's not what you'd expect. According to the article, Apple doesn't sell their promotional spots to recording companies outright. Instead, they trade visibility for exclusive song access, discount pricing and access to stars for things like interviews and celebrity playlists. There's a lot of back-room dealing going on with lots of shiny happy money at stake but there's also simple passionate music-love. If Apple's team loves you and loves your music, new unknown musicians can get a huge boost through the iTunes store.
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