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- iTunes 7.1 first impressions
Filed under: iTunes, Software Update
So I just finished rebooting the computer after loading the new iTunes and QuickTime updates and here's what I found. After launching iTunes and going through the mandatory "click accept" thing (I mean, honestly, does anyone ever read those things? I don't.), I waited for a couple of minutes while iTunes "updated" my library. I've got a very small library compared to most people, so I'm a little wary about how long this might take for other people.
The new full-screen Cover Flow (shown here) is nice and easy to use. Click the button at the bottom right of the screen to zoom in and out from full-screen mode.
When you control-click (or right-click) items in your library, there's a new "Apply Sort Field" option, where you can pick Same Album, Same Artist, Same Album Artist, Same Composer or Same Show. Select any of these and iTunes will prompt you whether to change the Sort field for all matching tracks. (e.g. If you select Same Album, you affect the Sort Album column, and so forth.) I'm still unclear as to the utility of this new option. Let me know in the comments why this is important.
Finally, there's a new AppleTV help option in the Help menu, but the links are still pretty much all bogus. This will probably change as AppleTV actually ships.
Check out all the screenshots in our gallery.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Apple Online Seminar: Using FCP to Create a Rich Media Podcast
Filed under: Multimedia, Education, Podcasting
Apple is offering a free 47 minute online seminar on using Final Cut Pro to make a "rich media podcast." They say that you will learn:
- How to combine digital photos, audio, and video in Final Cut Pro
- How to create a universal master to deliver news in any format, from HD broadcast to podcast
- How to record sound to amplify a story
- How to use Final Cut Pro to create an immersive rich media experience
[Via MacVolPlace]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Don't wear iPod earbuds on the subway
Filed under: iPod Family
It's a sad fact that you may occasionally find "unsavory" characters on the subway. It's also true that people have been mugged for their iPods. Savvy commuters know how to protect themselves, but San Francisco transit police are offering some official advice. In a flyer entitled "Protect Yourself and your iPod," posted at BART stations, they share some crime statistics (did you know that there are only 15 robberies system-wide per month on BART, but 11% of those involve iPod theft?) and a safety tip:
"Don't be a target: Use ear buds other than the standard iPod white, or other aftermarket headphones."
I ditched my earbuds first thing, but not for safety reasons. Soon enough everyone with headphones will be targets. In the meantime, protect yourself. Either grow your hair long or, better yet, pay attention to your surroundings.
[Via The Apple Blog]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - PostCard Makes Custom Postcards Easy
Filed under: Multimedia, Software, Odds and ends
Although the they're not as sophisticated as the Flash greeting cards you can now get, I've always liked the simplicity of Apple's iCards. With PostCard you can now make your own iCard style postcards with your own images. You just drag the image onto the card, adjust the size, write your text and pick your stamp. If you so desire you can even customize the stamp image and postmark text. As you can see above there's a convenient button for copying it to the Clipboard for pasting in your email application.
PostCard is $10 and a demo is available (though as you can see, it will watermark the image until you register).
[Via Hawk Wings]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - QuickTime 7.1.5 and iTunes 7.1 released
Filed under: iTunes, Software Update
Apple just released QuickTime 7.1.5 and iTunes 7.1 via Software Update for both Macintosh and Windows. The QuickTime update addresses security issues (possibly the continuation of those raised by the Month of Apple Bugs) and adds numerous bug fixes. iTunes 7.1 adds AppleTV support, new full-screen Cover Flow, and better sorting options. I'm downloading both updates now, and can't wait to play with the new sort features.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in.
Update: Apple's latest RSS support feed mentions that the Windows version of iTunes 7.1 addresses compatibility issues with Vista, but that Apple "is actively working with Microsoft to resolve a few remaining known issues."
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Giving into iPod
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, iPod Family
A recent story over at the Sun Chronicle points out one of the biggest issues facing new iPod owners: stacks of unripped CDs and the unrealistic expectations that go along with your music library. Owning a new iPod shouldn't be a burden. Here are a few quick tips to ease your adjustment to iPod.
Give yourself time. You didn't buy your entire library all at once, so why should you feel you have to load your iPod at all once? Throttle back your expectations and grow your iTunes collection a little bit at a time.
An incomplete library doesn't mean failure. You don't have to rip your entire CD collection in order to enjoy your iPod. Remember that you can only listen to a single song at a time.
Don't feel tied to your older music. People grow and change. The CDs you bought a decade or two ago might help you connect to your past but if your musical tastes have changed over time, allow yourself to buy new tracks without feeling obligated to your older collection. No one will be checking in on you to make sure all those 80's and 90's CDs got digitized.
Explore. One of the great things about iTunes is that you can taste new music without commitment. Check out the charts. Listen to the free 30-second samples. And don't forget that every Tuesday, iTunes offers free tracks that might lead you to find new artists and styles to enjoy on your iPod.
Think different. If your CD collection is just too much of a burden to face, you can enjoy any number of free podcasts on your new iPod and if you own a 5G or newer unit, you can use it to watch TV and movies as well. The iPod does not begin or end with music.
iPods shouldn't remain wrapped and unused on a coffee table like Lauren Carter's does. What are your tips for overwhelmed new iPod users?
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - San Diego Apple Store to close for renovations
Filed under: Apple Corporate, Retail
Don't worry, San Diego. It's only for a week.
ifoAppleStore is reporting that the Fashion Valley Apple Store will close for 1 week starting next Monday, March 12. It will then re-open with a temporarily smaller configuration while renovations are made behind plywood walls.
We know it's sad, Sad Diego, but the Apple Store will be back, better than it was before. Better, stronger, faster.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - New York Times on iLuv 182
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
I've been sort-of longing for an iLuv iPod recorder since the first model was announced. It allows you to connect to any video source like your TiVo or VCR or DVD player and record directly onto your iPod. But when push comes to shove, I've never actually purchased one because despite the convenience factor. The iLuv is on the expensive side and there's just not enough compelling technology (no scheduling, for example, and no tuning channels) for me to switch from using EyeTV or the Neuros MPEG-4 digital recorder to capture video.
What the iLuv does, as this recent New York Times article explains, is save you a bunch of steps. You don't have to capture video to your computer, convert it to an iPod-compatible format and then sync that video through iTunes. It records directly to your unit at 640x480 pixels and you can tell it how long to record (30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc). i182 offers a few new features over the original i180 model including memory card support for PSP recordings. At a bit over $200, is it worth your hard-earned money? I'm not rushing out to buy one myself. Yet.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - QuickerTek Takes "Modern" MacBooks and iMacs to the (802.11)Nth Degree
Filed under: Wireless, Hacks, Airport, iMac, Macbook Pro, MacBook
Okay it looks like it's time for me to eat some crow. Back in the Valentine's Day Ask TUAW, somebody asked if it would be possible to upgrade the 802.11g wireless card in iMacs and MacBooks to be compatible with the new 802.11n wireless standard that Apple just recently released and I said probably not. Well it turns out I was wrong, though I should get partial credit because I did actually mention QuickerTek in my response. Today QuickerTek announced the availability of a wireless N card that fits in the Airport card slot of "modern MacBooks and MacBook Pros" as well as "modern iMacs." They say: "Since this wireless upgrade uses standard parts, no drivers or other changes need to be made, nor are additional steps required to use the higher speed 'n' upgrade."
I just called QuickerTek and they confirmed that this upgrade only requires removing the old card from your Core Duo MacBook (Pro) or iMac, connecting the antennas, and running Apple's enabler upgrade software (which, as we mentioned before, will run you $2).
QuickerTek offers the bare card for customer installation at $149 or they'll put it in for you for $199 if you send them your Mac.
[Via MacMinute]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Network World and Computerworld: Mac OS X love in IT/SMB markets
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Enterprise
Last week was a good week for Mac press in the IT weekly trades. Over at ComputerWorld, Ryan Fass chimed in with an opinion piece on how OS X is ideal for small business.Meanwhile, John Fontana in Network World had a long article about how IT pros are beginning to "discover Mac platforms that are being transformed into realistic alternatives to Windows and Linux." With the Intel platform switch, Boot Camp and virtualization options, a Mac purchase is more flexible and futureproof than ever before.
Sure, it's not news to us, but as the costs associated with this upgrade cycle to Vista are coming into clearer focus, it's an opportunity for Apple (and for Linux vendors) to make inroads with an alternative to Microsoft Everywhere. Obstacles to this vision of happiness? Well, aside from FUD and inertia, both writers point out that Apple's support and sales infrastructures are not really oriented towards the needs of the enterprise... yet.
[via MacFixit]Read | Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Monday man page: curl
Filed under: Features, UNIX / BSD, TUAW Tip
Today's man page covers one of my favorite utilities: curl. No, it's not a haircare product -- it's one of the most flexible download tools in the kit bag, with the ability to handle almost any protocol that can be addressed via a URL (hence the name, short for "client for URLs"). If there's a server out there that's reachable via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SCP, and lots of other alphabet soup, curl can talk to it.curl
-- display the source of this very article in Terminalcurl
-- list the contents of a remote FTP site, in this case one with a pretty good FTP clientcurl -o ~/Desktop/curl-man.html
-- copy the curl manpage to your desktop; if you use capital -O, the local file mirrors the remote filename
curl has an excellent usage manual at its site, detailing examples of use and advanced techniques. While there are zillions of ways to use curl in site testing, analysis and uploading, my favorite way of using it is as a quick file downloader. Read on for the details.Continue reading Monday man page: curl
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Microsoft: The WOW starts... with a MacBook?
Filed under: Hardware, Humor, OS
Microsoft's "The WOW Starts Now!" Vista promotion campaign has taken just about every computer and technology venue by storm. Everyone from the likes of Best Buy to Bob's Computers has at least some kind of hanging banner, floor signage or postcard handouts featuring the mind-numbing array of Vista flavors, but we're curious as to who actually designed all this promo material. Filippo Corti at the Mac Blog (crummy Google translation to English here) snapped this pic which features what must be a MacBook alongside four of the major versions of Vista. Considering that Vista's EULA forbids virtualizing any versions besides Business and Ultimate, this either amounts to a grossly mis-leading advertisement or afoxsly, pro-Apple designer among sheep.
[Update: Right on cue, some debate as to whether this is actually a MacBook or even a piece of Apple hardware at all has ensued. Some eagle-eyed readers have pointed out that the side ports actually say iBook, and we tend to agree. Still, this looks like a piece of iconic Apple hardware, and Microsoft could have made a more distinctive choice.]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: читать наш блог: |