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- Apple's doubleshot casting--and the Zune
Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple
Last week, the USPTO published an Apple patent for doubleshot casting. Doubleshot casting allows manufacturers to create housings using two color applications, like the clear-over-white and clear-over-black molding that makes the iPod so visually striking. It's the same process that creates the beautiful (at least it is beautiful in my opinion) brown-over-green Zune casing. As Ryan Block, over at our sister blog Engadget, points out, if this patent is granted, Microsoft may be paying Apple a tariff as well coughing up the dough to Universal. Which would be kind of cool.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Monday man page: curl
Filed under: Features, UNIX / BSD, TUAW Tip
Today's man page covers one of my favorite utilities: curl. No, it's not a haircare product -- it's one of the most flexible download tools in the kit bag, with the ability to handle almost any protocol that can be addressed via a URL (hence the name, short for "client for URLs"). If there's a server out there that's reachable via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SCP, and lots of other alphabet soup, curl can talk to it.curl
-- display the source of this very article in Terminalcurl
-- list the contents of a remote FTP site, in this case one with a pretty good FTP clientcurl -o ~/Desktop/curl-man.html
-- copy the curl manpage to your desktop
curl has an excellent usage manual at its site, detailing examples of use and advanced techniques. While there are zillions of ways to use curl in site testing, analysis and uploading, my favorite way of using it is as a quick file downloader. Read on for the details.Continue reading Monday man page: curl
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Belkin replaces defective iPod remotes
Filed under: Accessories, iPod Family
After some Canadian customers reported technical issues with the remote control packaged with their Belkin TuneCommand AV units, Belkin started marking affected packages with information stickers and set up this page for Canadian customers to request a free replacement. If you purchased an affected product, use this form to submit your shipping information.
Contrary to some rumors floating around the Internet, this is not a general offer for a free remote. It's meant only for Canadian customers affected by specific technical concerns.
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Filed under: Software, Freeware, Developer
The whole Moleskine craze has left me somewhat mystified (it's a notebook, it has a pocket, okay, that's cool I guess...). Anyway, here's a different 'skine that makes a bit more sense to me. The guys over at the Sentinel Design Group designed Serverskine for their own use. It's a little application "designed to allow web developers, who deal with many projects at once, quick access to FTP, hosting accounts, domain name accounts and more." Basically it keeps all your account information in the same place and even integrates with for quickly sending info to others. It's a niche product, but one that might be very useful to anyone with a bunch of accounts, and best of all it's a free download.
[Via FreeMacWare]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Microsoft: The WOW starts... with a MacBook?
Filed under: Hardware, Humor, OS
Microsoft's "The WOW Starts Now!" Vista promotion campaign has taken just about every computer and technology venue by storm. Everyone from the likes of Best Buy to Bob's Computers has at least some kind of hanging banner, floor signage or postcard handouts featuring the mind-numbing array of Vista flavors, but we're curious as to who actually designed all this promo material. Filippo Corti at the Mac Blog (crummy Google translation to English here) snapped this pic which features what must be a MacBook alongside four of the major versions of Vista. Considering that Vista's EULA forbids virtualizing any versions besides Business and Ultimate, this either amounts to a grossly mis-leading advertisement or afoxsly, pro-Apple designer among sheep.
[Update: Right on cue, some debate as to whether this is actually a MacBook or even a piece of Apple hardware at all. Some eagle-eyed readers have pointed out that the side ports actually say iBook, and we tend to agree.]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Naples, Fla Apple Store opens Saturday
Filed under: Apple Corporate, Retail
Apple plans to open a new retail store this Saturday, March 10th at 10 AM in The Sunshine State. The Apple Store is located at The Waterside Shops in Naples.
As usual, the first 1000 visitors will be rewarded with commemorative t-shirts. Visitors can also enter to win what Apple is calling "Digital Lifestyle Collection." With the opening of this location, Florida will be second only to California in total number of Apple Stores.
If you're going to attend the opening in Naples, please send us links to your photos and reports! Good luck and have fun.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Adobe Creative Suite 3 will ship March 27
Filed under: Software, Universal Binary
Adobe will host a press event this March 27 to announce the availability of CS3. This will be the first Universal Binary version of the Creative Suite, and Adobe is calling the event the largest software release in its history. If you've been looking for an excuse to finally buy that Mac Pro, this could be it.
In the meantime, enjoy the "What's in the Box?" promo video above.
Thanks, Nik!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - 9000 Switchers a Day?
Filed under: Switchers, Cult of Mac
I've never been one to fixate on the whole market-share question, but several reports are pointing to increasingly good results for Apple's core Mac business. From over at MacDailyNews comes word that the February numbers from Net Applications have the Mac up to a 6.38% share for February, a rise of 2.05 percentage points (i.e. an increase of around 47%) since just last August (the numbers are based on visits to a network of websites). Glen Fleishman at TidBITS repeats an analyst's speculation that the total number of Mac users will shortly hit 22 million. Finally, Tom Yager at InfoWorld suggests that by his calculations there are around 9,000 new switchers per day. So he's decided to set up a little experiment to see "what happens when you leave a professional Windows user alone with a Mac." He has set up a long-time Windows user with a MacBook and a copy of Parallels, and he's going to report how she reacts. "Will she resist? Or will she make the switch? Stay tuned."
Personally, I'm just happy that the market is expanding because that can't help but benefit the long-term Mac user base as well. It's hard not to be optimistic and think that even more happy days are here for the Mac. And with Leopard just around the corner, it's only going to get better. So welcome to a new day you latest 9000, it's good to have you on board.
[Via Digg]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - BOINC client lets Mac users contribute cycles
Filed under: Internet Tools, Universal Binary
If you encountered a labful or officeful of Macs in the early 2000s, chances are good that a bunch of them were running SETI@Home, the 'contributed computing' project to search through radioastronomy signals for the telltale signs of an extraterrestrial civilization. While the classic SETI@Home application was closed down in December of 2005, the successor client for grid science is alive and well: BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, recently updated to version 5.8.15 and happily Universal Binary. OS X users are full peer clients along with Windows and Linux machines.
You say finding LGM isn't your cup of MIPS? You can contribute to plenty of other projects affecting life here on Earth via the BOINC client and the World Community Grid, a 'meta-project' that aggregates work on several key initiatives (protein folding, cancer, climate and AIDS research) and lets you split up your processing power between your choices. You can sign up and start helping immediately; if you like, join the TUAW team and have your contributions tracked with fellow Macnatics. Note that the BOINC client from is several versions newer than the one you get from WCG (5.8.15 vs. 5.4.9), so best to download from the source and then register.
Of course, in the interest of environmental sensibility: please don't leave your machine powered on just to run BOINC; save a watt and let it go to sleep when it's truly idle.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Skitch private beta updates with major UI changes, more integration
Filed under: Software, Cool tools, Productivity, Internet Tools
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Skitch became an instant hit around the TUAW offices when we first heard about it at Macworld, and a couple of recent updates to this well-integrated screenshot app have only made it better. As you can see, watermarking has made an appearance for eBay sellers and paranoid bloggers alike, and the overall UI has received quite an overhaul. Taking snapshots of app windows (the Mac OS X equivalent is cmd-shift-4) also now has the ability to place a white or transparent background behind the window, or simply your desktop wallpaper - no matter what you actually have running behind said window when you snap it. The History feature has also received a new coat of polish: not only can you drag and drop images straight out of the History, but you can search any text you have written on top of any picture in your History.
Plenty of other innovative new features have made their way into the latest builds, but plasq said something about 'sleeping with the fishes' if we published them, so they'll have to remain under wraps for now. As Skitch's teaser page says, a public beta is on its way, and a price is still forthcoming.
Until Skitch goes public, you can see it in action at with a video of plasq's own Rachael demoing it at Macworld.Комментарии к сообщению: - Blast from the Past: Apple Lisa Emulator
Filed under: Retro Mac
Ted Hodges over at Low End Mac turned up this fascinating Lisa Emulator developed by Ray Arachelian. After obtaining a copy of the Lisa ROM and the Lisa OS, Hodges gave the emulator a spin. His post shows many great screen shots of the Lisa in action. I hadn't known that all Lisa applications were always-on. (There was no "Quit" in Lisa.) And the "tearing off stationary to create new documents" metaphor was pretty amazing, too. Also, I'd forgotten that the Lisa offered preemptive multitasking! There really are too many cool Lisa features to list here, so pop over and read his entire post.
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