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- Put Skype on your Apple TV
Filed under: Apple TV
Making phone calls from your television set is a clear sign that you are Living in the Future (tm), right up there with the jet packs and the meals-in-a-pill that we're all enjoying so much. If your current TV/phone configuration isn't meeting your needs, developer Brandon Holland has your back; he's just released an extremely early version of his Skype for Apple TV plugin (noted last month & today at Engadget) that leverages the Skype API to allow calls via USB headsets, text messages and more.
I can't really picture how this module is going to work for actual calling (and I don't have an Apple TV to try it out on), but if it refines into a true Skype client, and the Take 2 update doesn't completely nuke the Apple TV development scene, and Skype gets past its current security worries, this could be a very interesting path towards our videophone-enabled, jet-pack-wearing future.
Thanks CK!Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - AppleScript: build a simple task launcher
Filed under: Features, How-tos, Productivity
If you're like me, when you sit down at your Mac, you end up opening a few specific apps depending on what kind of project you're working on. I am going to show you how you can group these applications into "task launchers" that will bring up a suite of programs with one click. For instance, I have a script that will open iPhoto, iDVD, and iMovie called "Create Movies." When I run this script, it will open all of the applications I need to make my movie. I also have one called "Productivity" that will, when opened, launch Mail, iChat, Pages, and Yojimbo (even though some might argue with iChat's productivity value).
Want to make your own launchers? Continue reading for the instructions.
Continue reading AppleScript: build a simple task launcher
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Journler's licensing shift means next version is paid-only
Filed under: Software
When Phillip Dow first introduced Journler, the accessible yet remarkably feature-deep journaling and personal information repository app, he made a distinction between commercial licensing and personal use. Journler users who wanted to make money or do business with the program would pay, and anyone using it for its core functionality (personal journals) could donate what they saw fit for the program.
Unfortunately, as is often the case with things that can be had for free, Phil didn't see the revenue from commercial licensing + personal donations that he needed to support the program. To allow him to continue developing Journler, with the forthcoming 2.6 release, the app is moving to a paid-only license: a single use license will be $34.95, with no more free rides (but a generous 60-day evaluation period). Yesterday the educational & family pack pricing for the new license was announced: $19.95 for students, including K-12, undergrad and graduate use; $99.95 for a 5-license family pack. Both special purchase options are a 40% savings over the standard license.
I've come to appreciate Journler as I've used it over the past few weeks, and I think this is the right call for this capable tool. We'll be looking at Journler in more detail soon, along with some of its competitors, but you should check it out now.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Kerio MailServer provides Leopard-compatible groupware
Filed under: Internet Tools
When I posted about the Zimbra collaboration suite a little while ago, it was noted in the comments that, while the Zimbra client is now working in Safari 3, the server isn't yet Leopard-compatible. Kerio MailServer offers a Safari 3 and Leopard-compatible alternative with a lot of groupware functionality.
Kerio's Safari 3 compatibility stems mostly from the fact that it doesn't have a rich text editor in the client, but it works flawlessly for plain text email and the interface is as smooth and AJAXy as Zimbra's. Kerio has had a Mac version of the server since 2003, with drop-in Exchange replacement capability and the ability to sync contacts, calendars and email without the need for an external client. Kerio has even had iPhone sync since last Fall.
Kerio's pricing structure is slightly different from Zimbra's, but competitive; there's no open source Kerio version, as there is with Zimbra. But if you're in the market for a Leopard-based mail server and collaboration solution, Kerio seems to be a pretty good choice.
Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - iBank 3 to have iPhone support
Filed under: Software, Productivity, Beta Beat
A new beta of the personal finance management software iBank 3 has been released and it includes iPhone support. According the developers, you can use your iPhone or iPod touch to view historical transactions or create and edit new ones, but this requires a .Mac account. The download includes a small package that you have to upload to the root directory of your iDisk. You can then access a iBank file you've set to sync with .Mac by going to username/iBank/index.html on your iPhone.
In addition to the iPhone integration, version three offers a large number of new features including direct download of transactions if your financial institution supports the OFX protocol, investment and loan management, as well as export to tax software and more. For those of you looking for a solid Quicken replacement, IGG Software may finally have done the trick.
The iBank 3 beta is available for download now. It appears that it will cost $59.99 when released ($29.99 upgrade), but if you purchase iBank 2 now it will be a free upgrade.
[via MacNN]Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: - Shawn Blanc on MarsEdit 2.1
Filed under: Software, Blogging
Even though we can't use a tool like MarsEdit to post here at TUAW, some of us are still big fans of the program and use it when creating content for our other, more personal sites. Like Ecto, another very good tool for this type of content creation, Mars Edit allows you to compose blog entries, complete with text, links, photos or whatever, on your own computer and once finished, post them directly to your blog.
Of course, we're not the only fans of MarsEdit using it to put up content around the internets. Shawn Blanc, writer, Mac guy, drummer, Tae-Qwon-Do blackbelt and enthusiastic Mars Edit user has posted a very in-depth review of the application at his site. Among the program's many virtues, Blanc praises it for having a "perfect preview" of draft content, that it functions very well as a text editor and the "blatant absence of a WYSIWYG feature" which makes him "extremely impressed with how well it serves the writer."
MarsEdit 2 may not be the right choice for your blogging needs, but if you've never considered it before, this review might just make you want to give it a try. It's $29.95 for a new license, and $9.95 for an upgrade from ME1.Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsКомментарии к сообщению: | отписаться: управлять всей подпиской: |